Transition: Healthcare Resources
DSCC’s Managing Medication Tip Sheet
It’s important to take medications as directed. This tip sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) can help you manage your medications. It includes information on things to know about your medication, when to talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have any side effects or problems, and ways to remember to take your medicine.
DSCC’s Managing Stress Tip Sheet
The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs learn how to recognize and manage stress.
The tip sheet includes information about:
- Recognizing the signs of stress
- Managing stress
- Finding stress management resources
DSCC’s Medical Treatments and Teens Tip Sheet
Taking care of your special healthcare needs is key to living more independently. This tip sheet for teens from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) provides information on taking more responsibility for self care, making appointments and talking to the doctor about transition to adult health care and other topics.
DSCC’s Mental Health Resources for Youth Tip Sheet
The Division of Specialized Care for Children’s (DSCC) Mental Health Resources tip sheet provides a listing of websites, fact sheets and videos to help youth and their families find mental health resources.
DSCC’s My Body is Changing Tip Sheet
The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs navigate puberty and learn about the changes they are experiencing.
The tip sheet also includes information for parents on talking to your kids and surviving puberty.
DSCC’s Pediatric Versus Adult Healthcare Tip Sheet
When you become an adult, your experience at the doctor’s office and the hospital might be different from what you are used to. This fact sheet explains some of the changes you might notice.
DSCC’s Primary Care for Teens Tip Sheet
Primary care providers keep you healthy and take care of you when you get sick. This tip sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children can help teens understand the importance of seeing their primary care provider.
DSCC’s Self-Care Skills Assessment for Parents/Caregivers of Young Adults With Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
DSCC’s Self-Care Assessment for Parents/Caregivers of Youth with Intellectual/Development Disabilities is designed to help caregivers of young adults (ages 18 to 25) assess the young adult’s ability to care for their own health. The assessment will help provide information about what your young adult already knows about their health and areas where you/they need to learn more.
If a young adult is able to fill out this information independently, they should complete the young adult version of this form instead.
Self-Care Skills Assessment for Parents/Caregivers in English
Self-Care Skills Assessment for Parents/Caregivers in Spanish
DSCC’s What To Do In A Medical Emergency Tip Sheet
Emergencies can happen at any time. This tip sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) can help transition-age youth prepare for emergency situations. It includes information on how to make a plan and helpful emergency resources.
DuPage County Transition Planning Committee
The DuPage County Transition Planning Committee is a group composed of representatives from the local special education co-ops, school districts, Department of Human Services-Division of Rehabilitation Services office, adult service providers, vocational coordinators, representatives of the business community, parents and clients. The committee meets to network, educate, learn, share and support services for individuals with disabilities