Transition: Work Resources
Transition QuickGuide: Take Charge of Planning and Managing Your Own Health and Career Goals
The Transition QuickGuide checklist provides information and resources about health insurance coverage, self-care, health care transition, decision-making and career planning and management.
Transition to Employment & Adult Services
The Arc of Illinois Family to Family Health Information and Education Center’s Family Transition Manual provides help for families of young adults with developmental disabilities preparing to transition from school and services for children to the world of work and adult services.
Valley Education for Employment System (VALEES)
Valley Education for Employment System (VALEES) provides career and technical education (CTE) courses and oversees a variety of state and federal education improvement grants for schools in DeKalb, LaSalle, Lee, Kane and Kendall counties. Students with disabilities and other special populations in the VALEES region can earn industry credentials and education benefits, participate in skill-building workshops and competitions, and connect with business and industry. Parents, guardians, educators and professionals can visit the VALEES website for resources and programs for special populations.
Will-Grundy Transition Planning Committee
The Will-Grundy Transition Planning Committee strives to connect families to community-based services and providers for students and adults with disabilities. Made up of schools, agencies and not-for-profit organizations, the group is working together to improve vocational transition from education to jobs for all learners but particularly for individuals with disabilities.
The Will-Grundy Transition Planning Committee provides:
- Educational events
- A resource directory covering Will, Grundy and Kendall counties
- Recorded videos on a variety of topics
- Information about community resources and service providers grouped by type (advocacy, assistive technology, etc.)
WorkforceGPS Disability and Employment Community
The WorkforceGPS Disability and Employment Community site is an online resource destination for the American Job Center network, people with disabilities and employers.
The site is also a resource for all who partner with the workforce system to provide services to people with disabilities and other barriers to employment. It also provides an opportunity to network with peers interested in addressing disability and employment issues.
“Born for Business” Disability Entrepreneurship Toolkit
Entrepreneurship and self-employment can be valuable and viable options for people with disabilities looking to enter the job market on their own terms. RespectAbility’s Born for Business toolkit provides an inventory of existing materials, advice and guides for job seekers with disabilities who are ready to become self-employed, launch a new enterprise or develop their entrepreneurial skills.
This toolkit was developed along with the Born For Business docuseries that focuses on the talents, innovations and impact of entrepreneurs with varying disabilities.