Transition Resources
DSCC’s Home Fire Safety Skills Tip Sheet
A fire can happen at any time. The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs and their families learn about practicing fire safety in the home.
DSCC’s Importance of Friendships Tip Sheet
The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs learn about the importance of making friends, sharing ideas and interests, and respecting themselves and others.
DSCC’s Insurance for Children Tip Sheet
It’s important to understand how your insurance works. This tip sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) covers what to know about your child’s insurance coverage.
Insurance for Children tip sheet in English
Insurance for Children tip sheet in Spanish (coming soon)
DSCC’s Insurance for Teens Tip Sheet
This tip sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) explains how teens with special healthcare needs can learn about their insurance benefits, how to keep track of insurance information and explore adult insurance options.
DSCC’s It’s Great to be Involved Tip Sheet
There are lots of ways to experience belonging. The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs and their families explore being involved in sports, leisure and other community activities. This tip sheet includes information on exploring your personal interests, funding and scholarships to support your activities, and steps you can take to get involved.
DSCC’s Know Your Rights: Minors’ Consent and Access to Healthcare Services
This guide from the Division of Specialized Care for Children aims to help youth understand their rights as a minor related to privacy and obtaining healthcare services. It covers:
- Which services they can receive without parental consent.
- When a parent can access their health information.
- When a provider needs their consent before sharing their health information.
Know Your Rights: Minors’ Consent and Access to Healthcare Services in English
Know Your Rights: Minors’ Consent and Access to Healthcare Services in Spanish.
DSCC’s Knowing Your Health Care Needs Tip Sheet
Learning about your health can help you stay healthy and speak up for yourself to get your needs met. This tip sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) can help transition-age youth prepare for becoming responsible for their health care and becoming more independent. It includes information on how to make a plan and helpful resources.
DSCC’s Making Your Own Appointments Tip Sheet
Making a doctor’s appointment and preparing for the visit is important to maintaining your health. This tip sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) can help transition-age youth with scheduling and tracking appointments, preparing for visits and asking questions or talking about their medication, therapy, or equipment needs.
DSCC’s Managing Medication Tip Sheet
It’s important to take medications as directed. This tip sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) can help you manage your medications. It includes information on things to know about your medication, when to talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have any side effects or problems, and ways to remember to take your medicine.
DSCC’s Managing Stress Tip Sheet
The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs learn how to recognize and manage stress.
The tip sheet includes information about:
- Recognizing the signs of stress
- Managing stress
- Finding stress management resources