Free Family Webinar Series Focuses on Medicaid Waivers

February 12th, 2025

On the left is a dark blue box with rounded corners with white text that says: Health Insurance Education Series. DSCC's logo is below it. In the upper right and going down the page is a cup of coffee, part of a keyboard and a bright gold pen.

Learn more about the MFTD, DRS and DDD Medicaid waivers and how they can help your family

Our annual Health Insurance Education Series returns in March to help families understand important health insurance topics.

In response to family feedback, our 2025 series will explain Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs for Illinois.

The webinars are open to Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) participants, their family members and anyone interested in these topics.

These free virtual trainings will feature DSCC team members and other presenters covering a different waiver each month:

  • Medically Fragile and Technology Dependent (MFTD) Medicaid Waiver, March 11 at 6 p.m.
  • Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) Medicaid Waivers, April 8 at 6 p.m.
  • Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) Medicaid Waivers, May 13 at 6 p.m.
  • La Excepción de Medicaid para personas médicamente frágiles y dependientes de la tecnología (MFTD), 11 de marzo, a las 6 p.m.
    • La presentación de marzo se centrará en la excepción para personas médicamente frágiles y dependientes de la tecnología para niños y adultos. Los presentadores de la División de Atención Especializada para Niños (DSCC) le explicarán cómo presentar la solicitud, quién es elegible, qué beneficios están disponibles y cómo utilizarlos.
    • Consulte el folleto de Beneficios de MFTD para obtener más detalles.
    • Registrarse para MFTD en Zoom.
  • Excepciones de Medicaid de la División de Servicios de Rehabilitación (DRS), 8 de abril a las 6 p.m.
  • Excepciones de Medicaid de la División de Discapacidades del Desarrollo (DDD), 13 de mayo a las 6 p.m.

You can also:

Our Health Insurance Education Series began in response to questions and suggestions from our Family Advisory Council.

If you have questions about these webinars before or after a session, please email or call (800) 322-3722.

Share Your Input at Our Nov. 14 Family Advisory Council Open Forum

October 16th, 2024

DSCC Family Advisory Council logo showing a colorful chain of stick figures holding hands in front of an outline of the state of Illinois

All Illinois families of children with special healthcare needs are welcome to share their feedback and experiences at this virtual forum.

Join us for an opportunity to connect with other families and share your feedback on topics that matter to you. 

Our next Family Advisory Council (FAC) open forum is on Nov. 14 from 9 to 11 a.m. 

This free virtual meeting is for all Illinois families of children with special healthcare needs. You do not have to be a Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) participant to attend. 

Visit our open forum event page for the link to join the meeting. Please note that live Spanish translation will be available during the open forum.

The FAC guides our efforts to strengthen teamwork, improve communication and empower families to have a voice in their children’s care. The council also connects families to resources and other families who are on a similar journey. 

Our FAC has played an important role in developing:

You can find the minutes from past meetings and more details on our website’s Family Advisory Council page.  

If you have questions or would like more details on how to participate in the FAC, please email

We hope to see you on Nov. 14!

Share Your Feedback on the Nursing Allocation Process

October 6th, 2022

The text, "We Want to Hear From You!" in a conversation bubble with the DSCC logo

Help our Family Advisory Council recommend changes that can benefit Home Care Program participants and their families.

The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) helps coordinate and monitor in-home nursing for families through the Home Care Program.

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) determines the number of approved nursing hours after reviewing the individual’s medical reports and medical needs.

Our Family Advisory Council (FAC) now wants to help families better understand the process for how HFS assigns nursing allocations. The FAC also wants to help HFS understand the unique needs and circumstances of Home Care families when deciding nursing allocations.

FAC Advocacy Chair Whitney Woodring is putting together a Nursing Allocation Workgroup to gather feedback on these issues. Whitney’s daughter Willa has received Home Care services since she was a baby. (See Willa’s Family Story for more details.)

Whitney hopes to speak with families across Illinois to learn about their experiences with nursing allocations and the appeal process.

You can email Whitney directly with feedback at

Whitney would like to hear all input, including positive experiences with the process.

Your feedback will help Whitney and the FAC make recommendations for changes that can benefit as many participants as possible.

To learn more about the FAC, visit our Family Advisory Council page. Be sure to also join the FAC’s next open forum meeting on Nov. 10.

Need more information about nursing services and allocations?

Our Nursing Services Tip sheet gives an overview of Medicaid’s nursing services to help families in the Home Care Program take care of their child’s medical needs:

Our Home Care Appeal and Peer-to-Peer Review Tip Sheet explains how the review and determination of medical eligibility for Home Care services work:

You can find these handouts and other helpful information for families on our Home Care Information Hub.

Updated Council Seeks Parent Input

August 6th, 2020

"We Want to Hear From You" in a text bubble with DSCC logo

DSCC’s updated Family Advisory Council makes it easier for families to take part and share feedback.

Feedback from our parents and participants is important to us at the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC).

We have updated our Family Advisory Council (FAC) setup to make it easier for families to take part and share their input.

The FAC’s mission is to bring together families and our staff and leadership to promote the delivery of participant and family-centered services.

Our updated council will connect families to resources and provide guidance to strengthen our teamwork, improve communication and empower families to have a voice in their child’s care.

Our Family Advisory Council will consist of 15 family members and two DSCC staff members. Members must agree to a one-year commitment with an option to stay for a second.

The FAC will meet in person twice per year. Meeting locations will include Springfield, Chicago and southern Illinois.

We plan to hold a virtual meeting in September 2020. We will hold two more virtual meetings per calendar year via telephone or video.

FAC members will receive $100 per face-to-face meeting with travel reimbursement, lodging fees and per diem included. Members will receive $50 per virtual meeting.

Family engagement is essential for a successful Family Advisory Council. FAC members will have a shared responsibility to facilitate meetings and keep participant- and family-centered values at the forefront of discussions.

We ask that FAC members not only attend scheduled meetings but also share ideas, provide feedback and give support to other members. These are crucial components for a strong and productive committee.

Eligible FAC members must:

  • Be a family member of a current or former Core or Home Care program participant
  • Have knowledge of and interest in improving systems of care for children with special healthcare needs
  • Have time for quarterly meetings
  • Can travel to the regional hub for face-to-face meetings

Please contact Adell Scott ( or Claire Richardson ( if you have any questions or recommendations. You may also reach them by phone at (217) 558-2350.