Resource Directory /

Medical/Health Resources

  • OutCare Provider Directory

    OutCare aims to be a comprehensive resource for LGBTQ+ healthcare, offering provider and healthcare resource directories.

    OutCare’s provider directory provides a list of providers who understand LGBTQ+ needs.

  • Package of Hope for NICU Families

    Lily’s Hope Foundation offers free customized care packages to families with premature babies either in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) or when they are being discharged.

    Its Package of Hope program provides packages customized to a family’s specific needs. A sibling care package is also available.

    Packages are shipped throughout the United States based on availability. One Package of Hope per family.

  • Pediatric Tracheostomy Tube Emergency Management Video

    In this video, nurses from Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago describe and demonstrate emergency management for pediatric patients with tracheostomy (trach) tubes. The video covers:

    • Prevention and assessment of emergency situations
    • How to manage a mucous plug
    • How to replace a trach tube that has become dislodged
    • What to do if the trach tube is difficult to replace
    • When to provide manual ventilation using bag to trach tube, bag and mask to mouth, and mouth to mouth
  • PKU Resources from University of Louisville School of Medicine

    The University of Louisville School of Medicine website provides a wide range of PKU (Phenylketonuria) resources to support families.

    The Family PKU Booklet provides information for families after a positive newborn screening. Using illustrations and clear language, the booklet helps make complicated, scientific information easier to understand.

    The site also includes:

    • Caregiver and school preparation tips
    • Nutrient trackers
    • Downloadable PHE and protein log templates
    • Recipes and low protein food suppliers
    • PKU community resources
  • Portable Medical Summary

    A portable medical summary is helpful for summarizing your medical information in one to two pages. You can use this summary across healthcare systems, including:

    • With the emergency department
    • In the transition to adult providers
    • With your college campus health services and more

    The summary can help provide quick and concise communication with all providers involved in your care as you transition to adulthood.

  • Premier Kids: Primary Care at La Rabida Children’s Hospital

    Premier Kids is a medical home program for children birth to age 6 with special needs. It provides primary care services for children with medically complex conditions and/or developmental delays. To make an appointment, call (733) 256-5700, ext. 2.


  • Project SUN in Kankakee County

    Project Strong and Unified Network (Project SUN) is a family-driven, youth-guided and community-based system of care in Kankakee County. Project SUN provides resources, training and community education about children’s behavioral health and other child and family wellness topics. Its services include:

    • Helping families navigate their children’s mental, emotional and behavioral health systems of care through trained staff and volunteer Community Navigators
    • Supporting families on their journey by training peer parent mentors and companions and offering appreciation events for caregivers
    • Assisting parents and youth to gain the skills necessary to actively participate in their care planning and delivery
    • Offering professional development training for mental, emotional and behavioral health service providers
    • Providing community education with a focus on children and their families
  • REACH Learning and Resource Hub

    REACH Learning and Resource Hub provides free, virtual training to help educators, clinicians, parents and caregivers better support the mental health and resilience of the children and youth in their lives. The interactive, on-demand resources focus on:

    • Trauma-responsive practices
    • Personal and professional resilience
    • Social-emotional awareness
    • Self-care
  • Region 4 Genetics

    Learn about the newborn screening information in Illinois and bordering states in Region 4.

  • Resources for Inclusion in Physical Activity and Youth with Disability

    The National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) compiled links to a multitude of resources related to children with disabilities and their inclusion in physical activities in this guide.