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COVID-19 Resources

  • Blueprint for Families of Loved Ones With Mental Health Issues

    Mental health challenges affect the whole family and are hard on everyone. The Caregiver Action Network provides a Blueprint for Families of Loved Ones With Mental Health Issues.

    The guide includes information on discussing mental health with doctors, screening for mental health issues, the value of knowing early diagnosis and intervention, and more.

  • Call4Calm Text Line

    The Illinois Department of Human Services’ Mental Health Division has launched a free-of-charge emotional support text line, Call4Calm, for Illinois residents experiencing stress and mental health issues related to COVID-19.

    Individuals who would like to speak with a mental health professional can text “TALK” to 552020, or for Spanish, “HABLAR” to the same number: 552020. Call4Calm is free to use, and individuals will remain anonymous.

    Once a resident sends a text to the hotline, within 24 hours they will receive a call from a counselor employed by a local community mental health center to provide support.

    Individuals can also text 552020, with keywords such as “unemployment” or “food” or “shelter” and will receive information on how to navigate and access supports and services.

    (Message and Data Rates May Apply. See Terms & Conditions of Use.)

    (Privacy Statement)

  • Capitol Township

    (217) 525-1736

  • Caring for Your Child’s Hearing Health at Home: Guidance for Maintaining Hearing Devices, Improving Communication

    As families shelter in place due to COVID-19, children with hearing loss may need additional help. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) offers this guidance to parents, available in English and Spanish.

  • CaringInfo

    CaringInfo, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, provides free resources to educate and empower patients and caregivers to make decisions about serious illness and end-of-life care and services.

    The site provides guides and resources about topics including advance directives, palliative care, caregiving and hospice care.

  • Caritas Family Solutions

    Caritas Family Solutions is a non-profit social services agency that works to meet the physical, social and emotional needs of people in southern Illinois.

    Services include adoption support, foster care, community integrated living arrangements, counseling, parenting classes, pregnancy care and more.

  • Carle Hospital

    Online screening tool, information, resources

  • Catholic Charities COPE Line

    A free service for all people living in the 28-county Springfield diocese. Therapists will provide a calming, professional and empathetic ear to those experiencing situational stress and anxiety related to COVID-19.

    Call (217) 321-8343.

  • CDC’s COVID-19 Vaccination Information

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides information for COVID-19 vaccination administration, storage and handling, reporting and patient education for each specific vaccine at

  • Center of Concern

    The Center of Concern is a non-profit social service agency providing housing solutions, support services and counselors for individuals with disabilities, older adults and others in need in Cook County, enabling them to live safely and independently.