Resource Directory /

Transition Resources

  • Getting the Care You Need: A Guide for People With Disabilities

    Getting the Care You Need: A Guide for People with Disabilities” aims to empower patients with disabilities by explaining their rights to accessible care.

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provides this resource. It is available in multiple languages, including:

  • GLMA

    GLMA is a national organization committed to ensuring health equity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) and all sexual and gender minority (SGM) individuals.

    GLMA provides resources for patients, including a provider directory.

  • Goodwill Career Center

    The Goodwill Career Center offers free, one-on-one guidance to help you gain employment and reach your career goals. In-person and online resources are available to learn about training programs, how to fill out job applications, prep for interviews or get trained in new skills. Services may vary by location.

    Find a Goodwill Career Center near you using their locator tool.

  • Got Transition

    Got Transition aims to help youth and young adults move from pediatric to adult health care. Its website includes frequently asked questions and resources for youth and young adults as well as parents and caregivers.

    The site also includes an animated video “What is Health Care Transition? HCT 101” for youth, young adults and families.

  • Greenlight Family Services

    Formerly known as the Center for Law and Social Work, Greenlight Family Services helps families all over Illinois with adult guardianship cases and can also counsel families on backup arrangements as well.

  • Guardianship Myths

    There are many myths about guardianship that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families should understand.

    The Arc’s Center for Future Planning has created this handout to help.

  • Guidebook on Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications

    The Illinois Department of Human Rights provides a first-of-its-kind Guidebook on Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications.

    In accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Act, this book provides guidance and clarification on the accommodations and modifications that must be made in housing for persons with disabilities and their family members.

  • Healing Horse Stables

    Healing Horse Stables in Sidney, Ill., is a non-profit organization offering therapeutic riding and equine-facilitated learning for individuals of all ages and abilities. Healing Horse Stables promotes learning and physical, social and emotional well-being through programs that include:

    • Therapeutic riding
    • Riding for relaxation
    • Horsemanship programs
    • Field trips
  • HealthWell Foundation

    The HealthWell Foundation aims to reduce financial barriers to care for underinsured patients with chronic or life-altering diseases. It provides financial assistance to eligible individuals to cover copays, health care premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses.

  • Hire Autism

    Hire Autism is a free program from the Organization for Autism Research to help autistic job seekers find meaningful employment opportunities and connect with autism-friendly employers.

    The site features include a searchable jobs board and resource library, profile and job board navigation tutorials, personalized job alerts and autism- or disability-related employment events. Job seekers can request free one-on-one virtual assistance with resume and cover letter writing as well as interview preparation through Hire Autism’s volunteer mentoring program.