Resource Directory /

Social Services Resources

  • Destination Vaccination – Cook County Department of Public Health

    Destination Vaccination, a partnership between the Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) and Kaizen Health, offers free rides to get people to and from their vaccinations. Kaizen can provide vehicles to accommodate most residents, including those in wheelchairs or those who require child seats. This service is provided at no cost to residents.

    Visit the Destination Vaccination website for more details.

  • Disability Information and Access Line

    The Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL) helps people with disabilities access COVID-19 vaccinations and tests. DIAL also provides information about essential services such as transportation, housing support, disability rights, and more.

    The hotline’s trained staff are available to:

    • Help find local vaccination locations
    • Set up a vaccination appointment
    • Connect with local COVID testing options
    • Connect callers to local services, such as accessible transportation, housing support, disability rights and other independent living resources

    Call, text or videophone DIAL Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at (888) 677-1199.

    You can also email the hotline at or start an online chat with an information specialist.

    You can also connect to an agent in American Sign Language.

  • DuPage CRF Housing Assistance Program

    The DuPage County Coronavirus Relief Funds (CRF) Housing Assistance program is not accepting requests at this time.

    If you are a DuPage County resident experiencing a housing crisis please contact DuPage County Community Services at (630) 407-6500.


  • Electronic Portal for SSI Recipients

    The IRS has an electronic portal to assist people on SSI and other non-filers in receiving their stimulus payments.  Individuals can go to the portal, enter their personal information and that information will be utilized to send them a stimulus payment.

  • Emergency and Transitional Housing Program

    The Emergency and Transitional Housing Program in Illinois gives immediate and comprehensive shelter services to people who are homeless and people at risk of becoming homeless. Services are provided at shelters run by nonprofit organizations and local governments. for more information, see the Emergency and Transitional Housing Provider List.

  • Entry Point for Suburban Cook County

    Entry Point’s purpose is to ensure all people experiencing homelessness or who are at-risk of homelessness have fair and equal access to housing in suburban Cook County.

    Individuals and families experiencing homelessness or who are at-risk of homelessness can access Entry Point throughout the region. Trained Entry Point staff at access locations work with households to understand their strengths and needs using a standardized assessment. Entry Point uses HUD homeless assistance eligibility guidelines and uniform prioritization policies to refer people to the right programs based on their preferences and levels of need.

    Entry Point also helps suburban Cook County make the best matches between homeless assistance resources and the people who need them most.

  • Family Voices Coronavirus Information and Resources

    Family Voices has put together COVID-19-related resources that are relevant to families of children and youth with special healthcare needs.

    The resources page includes information on the virus itself, housing resources, resources for parents and caregivers, information regarding children and youth adults with complex medical conditions, mental health resources and information in multiple languages.

  • Fifth Street Renaissance

    (217) 544-5040

  • Flip the Switch

    Many parents are finding themselves faced with securing alternate means of childcare as school districts across the country close temporarily. Many of these parents will balance the need to work with the need to find a safe place for their children. Flip the Switch – Available at no cost through our partnership with Aly Raisman, any adult can complete Stewards of Children® online at no cost by using the code FLIPTHESWITCH

  • Food and Support Programs in Chicago and Cook County

    Get help finding food, diapers, job training and accessing programs at over 700 food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters and other community partners in the Chicagoland area.

    Visit the Greater Chicago Food Depository website for more information.