Resource Directory /

Family Support Resources

  • Camp Erin Overnight Grief Camp

    Camp Erin Chicago is part of a national bereavement program for youth grieving the death of a significant person in their lives.  Free of charge for all families, Camp Erin combines traditional, fun camp activities with grief education and emotional support for children and teens ages 6 to 17 years old.

    ​Camp Erin Chicago takes place in Delavan, Wisc., in July. Registration usually opens in December for the following summer. ​If you are interested in enrolling your child or family in Camp Erin, please email Camp Director Bryan Heidel at, or call (773) 569.9553.

  • Carbondale Area Interfaith Refugee Support

    Carbondale Area Interfaith Refugee Support (CAIRS) is a network of community members that helps refugees from around the world adjust to and build a new life in Southern Illinois. CAIRS provides the support necessary to navigate the transition, become citizens, find employment and become neighbors and friends.

    CAIRS provides resources that include:

    • A “New to the Area” resource page in English and Spanish
    • Immigration support services and legal help
    • Money to help with housing and other expenses
  • Caregiver Action Network

    Caregiver Action Network (CAN) is a national nonprofit organization that aims to improve the quality of life for Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease or the frailties old age.

    CAN provides a Family Caregiver Toolbox on a variety of topics.

    CAN also has a “Caring for Rare Disease Caregivers” website that includes helpful information, tips, and resources, including communicating effectively with healthcare professionals, looking for respite care, handling complex emotions and more.
  • Caregiver Stress and Burnout Information

    The demands of caregiving can be exhausting and overwhelming. HelpGuide has helpful information and steps you can take to rein in stress and regain a sense of balance, joy and hope in your life.

    Information includes the signs and symptoms of caregiver stress and burnout and how to take care of your own health.

  • Caring Conversations Toolkit for Families and Providers

    The Pediatric Palliative Care Coalition (PPCC) offers a Caring Conversations Toolkit to help determine when and how to start a conversation about hospice or palliative care. Separate toolkits targeting the needs of families and providers are available.

    Each toolkit offers a series of questions to consider in deciding if it is time to start a conversation about hospice or palliative care for a child with serious illness and how to navigate the discussion.

  • CaringBridge

    CaringBridge is a no-cost, nonprofit health platform that surrounds family caregivers with support while they are caring for a loved one on a health journey.

    CaringBridge offers tools to:

    • Share and document a health journey
    • Simplify care coordination
    • Connect caregivers with a supportive community
  • CaringInfo

    CaringInfo, a program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, provides free resources to educate and empower patients and caregivers to make decisions about serious illness and end-of-life care and services.

    The site provides guides and resources about topics including advance directives, palliative care, caregiving and hospice care.

  • Caritas Family Solutions

    Caritas Family Solutions is a non-profit social services agency that works to meet the physical, social and emotional needs of people in southern Illinois.

    Services include adoption support, foster care, community integrated living arrangements, counseling, parenting classes, pregnancy care and more.

  • Catholic Charities Diocese of Joliet

    Catholic Charities Diocese of Joliet serves people in need in Will, Grundy, DuPage, Kendall, Kankakee, Ford and Iroquois counties. Its programs and services include:

    • Information and assistance
    • Caregiver support groups
    • Crisis intervention
    • Volunteer opportunities for older adults and persons with disabilities
    • Mobile food pantry
  • Catholic Charities Social Services Archdiocese of Chicago

    Catholic Charities Social Services Archdiocese of Chicago provides help including homelessness prevention, food and basic needs, and crisis assistance. needshelp and crisis services. It also connects people to other organizations that can help with emergency assistance in Chicago, suburban Cook County and Lake County. Services include:

    • Burial and funeral assistance
    • Case management services
    • Emergency rental assistance
    • Utility assistance
    • Emergency shelter services
    • Stabilization services (pharmaceutical assistance, transportation assistance, clothing vouchers)

    The organization also provides family support programs, including child care and pregnancy and parenting support services, domestic violence support, behavioral health programs, and immigrant and refugee support.