COVID-19 Resources
Coloring Pages for Caregivers
UIC’s Division of Specialized Care for Children has created adult coloring pages to help caregivers relieve stress and practice mindfulness. Four designs are available in English and Spanish:
Lighthouse (Lighthouse Spanish)
Sunflowers (Sunflowers Spanish)
ComEd Financial Assistance Options
ComEd has worked with the Attorney General’s office, the staff of the Illinois Commerce Commission and a broad group of stakeholders to develop a financial assistance package to help customers during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Available assistance includes customer hardship grants and a bill payment assistance program. Click on the Financial Assistance Options flyer for more information.
Community Action Agencies work with local community organizations and non-profit partners to provide assistance to Illinois families with items including:
- Rental Assistance
- Food
- Energy Utility Bill Assistance
- Water/Sewer Payment
- Employment Training/Placement
- Financial Management
- Temporary Shelter
This link provides a listing of local Community Action Agencies (CAAs) that can help you find programs in your area.
Community Housing Advocacy & Development (CHAD)
Community Housing Advocacy & Development (CHAD) is a nonprofit corporation that provides quality, affordable, long-term rental housing to income-qualifying, hardworking individuals and families who struggle to support themselves.
CHAD owns, leases and manages over 500 units in 175 properties in 30 west suburban communities that represent a range of affordable housing opportunities including single-family homes, duplexes, apartments and townhomes and provides professional property management services to over 1,100 residents. CHAD offers below-market rents to income-qualified applicants.
Food pantries in DuPage County
Community Resources Compilation from the Illinois Housing Development Authority
The Illinois Housing Development Authority provides this list of community partners to help Illinois residents find food pantries, utility assistance, rental assistance, emergency housing, mortgage assistance, veterans assistance and more.
CommunityGlo is a free hot meal program dedicated to serving Knox County.
Meals are served one night a week. There are no eligibility requirements to use the program to receive meals.
To sign-up for meals, email or call (309) 299-1802. For more details, visit the CommunityGlo Facebook page.
Complex Child’s COVID-19 Information
Complex Child, an online magazine written by parents of children with special healthcare needs and disabilities, has created a special section on tips and information about COVID-19 and children who are medically complex.
Concerns About COVID-19 and Epilepsy
Information from the Epilepsy Foundation on COVID-19 and epilepsy.
Contact Ministries in Springfield
Serves the greater Springfield community by providing referrals, food, clothing, shelter, financial assistance and other programs. (217) 753-3939