COVID-19 Resources
The Autism Response Team (ART) is an information line for the autism community. Its team members are specially trained to provide personalized information and resources to people with autism and their families.
(888) AUTISM2 (288-4762) – English
(888) 772-9050 – SpanishAvailable Benefits Under the American Rescue Plan Act
The Illinois Department of Human Services in collaboration with the Illinois Commission on Poverty and Economic Security has put together a summary document listing new benefits that are now available to individuals and families through the recent passage of the American Rescue Plan Act.
The types of benefits include stimulus checks, earned income tax credits, child tax credit, unemployment insurance, rental or mortgage assistance and food, cash, childcare and/or medical support.
Baby Formula Shortage Tips and Information – American Academy of Pediatrics, the parenting website of the American Academy of Pediatrics, provides tips on finding baby formula during the shortage and what you may safely consider if you can’t find any.
The site is updated regularly with helpful information and the latest guidance.
Baby Formula Shortage Tips and Information – HHS
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) website has resources in a variety of languages to help families find infant formula during the shortage.
These resources include information on safe substitutes, formula company contacts and community programs.
The Illinois Department of Labor is launching Back to Business Illinois, a free, voluntary service that connects small businesses of 250 employees or less with consultants who will help them address workplace safety and health issues related to the coronavirus and create a plan to ensure a safe, healthy and productive environment for employees and visitors.
These one-hour confidential consultations take place virtually, via teleconference.
Back-to-School Guide for Families with Complex Healthcare Needs
The Child Neurology Foundation has curated a resource page to help families with complex healthcare needs navigate the school year.
Topics include:
- Tips and Strategies for a Smooth School Year
- Mental Health and School
- IEP and 504 Resources
- Medicaid Expansion in Schools
Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
The Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator is a confidential and anonymous source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. territories for substance use/addiction and/or mental health problems.
The services locator is available through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). – Finding the Right Help During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Helpful information on government benefits such as unemployment resources and healthcare coverage as well as resources for businesses and families.
Bill Assistance Programs in Springfield
Springfield’s City, Water, Light and Power provides a list of financial assistance and loan program resources if you are having trouble paying your CWLP bill or other housing and utility costs.
Bloomington-Normal COVID-19 Information
This site serves as a resource for individuals, businesses, and organizations in the Bloomington-Normal communities during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It includes support for childcare and meals as well as utility resources.