COVID-19 Resources
The Illinois Respite Coalition (IRC) is a not-for-profit organization of caregivers and respite providers dedicated to supporting families and ensuring access to quality respite services for the residents of Illinois. The IRC assists caregivers by connecting them to resources in their area, providing training on respite topics and having funding available for emergency respite. The IRC helps caregivers of individuals across the lifespan with any disability.
The Emergency Respite Care Program offers funding and resources to support caregivers who are not receiving any respite services and have an urgent need for respite care in the absence of any other funding source. Emergency respite care may be for an unplanned or planned event for reasons including:
- Caregiver illness (physical, mental or emotional)
- Caregiver hospitalization
- Work-related situation
- Reduction of stress level
The website gives examples of qualifying circumstances and information on how to apply. See the emergency care flyer for more details. (The flyer is also available in Spanish.)
For more information, contact:
- The Illinois Respite Coalition at (866) ILL-RESP (455-7377), ext. 101, or email
- Spanish-speaking callers may call (866) 866-ILL-RESP (455-7377), ext. 103, or email
Illinois State Board of Education
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) is state agency providing information and resources on all aspects of education, including early childhood, general education, special education and assistive technology.
Illinois Warm Line
If you or one of your family members has mental health and/or substance use challenges and would like to receive support by phone, call the Illinois Warm Line at (866) 359-7953.
Wellness support specialists are professionals who have experienced mental health and/or substance use recovery in their own lives. They are trained in recovery support, mentoring and advocacy.
The Illinois Warm Line is not a crisis hotline but is a source of support as you recover or help a family member to recover. Illinois Warm Line hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., except holidays.
WIC has services to support families during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Immunization Resources for Families
The Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics provides a wide range of immunization resources for families to help you make the best, most informed decisions for their health. You can find information in English and Spanish on:
- Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine
- Translation and vaccine support
- COVID-19, flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines
- Helping your child through vaccinations
- Vaccine immunization schedules and information
- Resources for teens and more
Infectious Diseases Society of America COVID-19 Resource Center
Links to resources on developments, guidelines, protocols, policies and tools.
Jackson County Health Department
Information and updates on the COVID-19 outbreak.
Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus
A comic based on a radio story from NPR about what kids might want to know about the coronavirus.
Know Who to Trust for Reliable Health Information
Information from Illinois Extension
Kumler Ministries
(217) 523-2196