COVID-19 Resources is a free bilingual online resource for renters and property providers in Illinois.
You can search for affordable, accessible and market-rate housing to fit your needs and budget.
For additional assistance, call (877) 428-8844 (toll-free) Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Dial 7-1-1 for TTY.
Illinois Association of Free and Charitable Clinics
Directory of free and charitable clinics
Illinois CARES Line (24/7)
If your child is a risk to themselves or others, having a mental health crisis, or if you would like a referral to services for children, youth and families, call the 24-hour Crisis and Referral Entry Services (CARES) line to talk to a mental health professional.
The CARES line is part of the Screening, Assessment and Support Services (SASS) program.
Call: (800) 345-9049
TTY: (773) 523-4504
Illinois Computer Equity Network
Illinois has launched a statewide network that will receive, refurbish and redistribute used computers to those in need.
This initiative responds to the 1.1 million Illinois households currently without computers and aims to bridge the digital divide for those without internet access to help improve connectivity essential for remote learning, work from home, telemedicine, and other requirements of everyday life.
The project is a partnership of the state of Illinois, PCs for People and various community partners.
To be eligible, residents must be below 200 percent of the poverty level or enrolled in income-based government assistance programs, such as free or reduced school lunch, Medicaid or SNAP.
Individuals can register for upcoming distribution events in their area to receive a computer, internet or both.
Visit or call (618) 215-3787 for more information.
Illinois Department of Public Health COVID-19 Information
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) provides the latest information about confirmed cases, health guidance and more.
(800) 889-3931
Illinois Early Intervention Live Video Visits
Families will now be able to receive services through video for their infants or toddlers with disabilities or delays. Early Intervention services include help with movement, learning, interacting, behavior, and self-help skills.
Illinois Emergency Rental Assistance Programs
The Illinois Emergency Rental Assistance Programs webpage provides updated information about COVID-19 emergency rental assistance programs throughout Illinois. Information is available in multiple languages and includes:
- Programs that are currently open
- Type of assistance provided
- Eligibility requirements
- Where to apply
- How to apply and the documentation needed
Illinois Helpline for Opioids and Other Substances (24/7)
If you or someone you know is suffering from an opioid use disorder or other substance use disorders, call the Illinois Helpline for Opioids and Other Substances at 833-2FINDHELP to speak with a trained professional for support and advice or to be directed to customized resources. You can also visit
Illinois Life Span’s COVID-19 Resources
Resources for Illinois residents with developmental disabilities. The topics include general COVID-19 information, Illinois Department of Human Services Developmental Disabilities Services and Supports information and webinar recordings on COVID-19 issues and services.
Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies
The Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies (INCCRRA) is a statewide organization that partners with the state’s 16 local Child Care Resources and Referral (CCR&R) agencies. It is a recognized leader, catalyst and resource for making high-quality, affordable early care and education and school-age care options available for children and families in Illinois.
CCR&R’s connect and coordinate programs and services for young children and their families. CCR&R’s manage the application and information for families to receive child care assistance, allowing them to work and/or go to school while their children have access to quality early care and education.
Visit to find your local CCR&R.