Rockford Resources
Informational Classes by Advocate Lutheran General Hospital
The hospital offers a broad range of informative classes such as gluten-free cooking and how illness impacts teenagers.
DSCC’s Education Skills Checklist
The Division of Specialized Care for Children’s (DSCC) education skills checklist can help youth and their families identify the skills and abilities they have met as well as those areas where they may need more focus. Some of these activities may not apply to everyone.
Transition to Employment & Adult Services
The Arc of Illinois Family to Family Health Information and Education Center’s Family Transition Manual provides help for families of young adults with developmental disabilities preparing to transition from school and services for children to the world of work and adult services.
DSCC’s Work Skills Checklist
The Division of Specialized Care for Children’s (DSCC) Work Skills Checklist is designed to help youth identify work-related skills they have and other areas where they may need more focus. Some of these activities may not apply to everyone.
Plan to Achieve Self Support (PASS)
The Plan to Achieve Self Support or PASS for people with disabilities is a written plan of action for getting a particular kind of job or starting a business offered by the Social Security Administration. The PASS allows you to earn more money to apply towards a work goal, without reducing your SSI benefits.
Got Transition aims to help youth and young adults move from pediatric to adult health care. Its website includes frequently asked questions and resources for youth and young adults as well as parents and caregivers.
The site also includes an animated video “What is Health Care Transition? HCT 101” for youth, young adults and families.
DSCC’s Adult Living Arrangements/Self-Reliant Skills Checklist
There are many activities that youth with specialized healthcare needs can practice doing to become more self-reliant and ready for their desired adult living arrangements. The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this Adult Living Arrangements/Self-Reliant Skills Checklist to help youth and their families learn about and build important skills and abilities in the areas of independence, nutrition, personal care and hygiene, and mobility/exercise. Some of these activities may not apply to everyone.
DSCC’s Adult Living Arrangements/Self-Reliant Skills Checklist in English
DSCC’s Adult Living Arrangements/Self-Reliant Skills Checklist in Spanish
DSCC’s Skills Checklist – Social
The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this checklist to help youth gain important social skills and abilities needed to reach their highest level of independence. Youth can use this checklist to identify and build skills in areas such as communication, pet care, safety, socialization and recreation. Some of these activities may not apply to everyone.
DSCC’s Travel Safety Tip Sheet
The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet for youth with special healthcare needs and their families to encourage travel safety. The tip sheet also provides information about adaptive driver programs and possible resources for vehicle adaptations.
DSCC’s Drugs and Smoking Tip Sheet for Teens
The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs understand the importance of taking care of their bodies and knowing the facts about using tobacco, e-cigarettes, vaping, drugs and alcohol.
Medications, tobacco, street drugs, and alcohol are all chemicals that cause your body to react in different ways. Knowing what you are putting into your body and learning to say “no” to peer pressure are important steps in deciding what is right for you.
“It’s Your Body – Know What You Are Putting Into It” tip sheet in English
“It’s Your Body – Know What You Are Putting Into It” tip sheet in Spanish