Browse Resources

A mother with a baby on her lap and a toddler sitting beside her looks at a tablet screen

There is a wealth of information available, but how do you know it is good and accurate information?

These carefully selected resources may be of value to you and your family.

We make it easy to look for resources.  Simply go to our Resource Directory or browse our forms and printable brochures and pamphlets.  Our team members are experts at finding resources for families, so please call us if you need any help.  

  • Resource Directory
    Find resources for families and children with special health needs.
  • Transition Tools
    Resources and tip sheets to help you plan for adulthood.
  • Home Care Information Hub
    Important program information, tip sheets and reminders for families of children and adults enrolled in the Home Care Program.
  • Caregiver Mental Health Toolkit
    The demands of caregiving can cause emotional and physical strain. The resources in our Caregiver Mental Health Toolkit are tools to help you care for your own health and well-being so you can care for others.
  • “All About Me” Pages
    Free templates you can personalize to highlight your child’s strengths, needs, goals and more. You can share your child’s “All About Me” page with their doctors, care team members, teachers and others.