Podcast Highlights DSCC’s Role in Policy Solutions for Children with Complex Care Needs During Emergencies

September 12th, 2024

A set of headphones resting above a recording microphone on an orange background

The MCH Bridges podcast shares the story of how DSCC partnered with parent advocates and state agencies to allow generators to be an MFTD waiver benefit

In August 2020, a powerful windstorm called a derecho struck Illinois.

The storm produced about 15 tornadoes in the Chicagoland area and caused widespread power outages. Many people were without power for multiple days.

After the storm, parent advocate Susan Agrawal compiled feedback from Home Care Program families about how the power loss affected their children and loved ones with complex medical needs. She then shared this feedback with the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC).

DSCC operates the Home Care Program on behalf of the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS). The Home Care Program serves individuals who need in-home nursing to safely live at home.

Many of these individuals are enrolled in the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Those Who Are Medically Fragile and Technology Dependent (MFTD waiver). These individuals often have tracheostomies, ventilators, gastrostomy tubes and other medical technology that depends on electricity.

The feedback Agrawal shared showed that many Home Care families wanted the ability to use MFTD waiver funds to pay for power generators for their homes.

DSCC took this feedback, did research and worked with HFS to pursue an amendment to the MFTD waiver to allow waiver funds to cover the cost of generators.

A recent episode of the MCH Bridges podcast tells the story of how this new waiver benefit became available for families. The podcast is from the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP).

Dr. Molly Hofmann, DSCC’s Director of Care Coordination, Systems Development and Education, co-hosted the episode called “Generating Policy Solutions to Project Children with Complex Health Care Needs During Emergencies.”

The episode highlights the importance of preparedness, especially in the face of natural disasters or power outages that can severely affect the care of children who are medically fragile and technology dependent.

It features the following DSCC team members and partners:

  • Stephanie Leach, DSCC’s Associate Director of Systems of Care
  • Courtney Kerfoot, DSCC’s Integrated Program Support Specialist
  • Susan Agrawal, parent advocate, Director of the Family-to-Family Health Information Center at The Arc of Illinois and the founder and leader of MFTD Waiver Families in Illinois
  • Pam Winsel of the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

Thank you to AMCHP for highlighting our efforts and partnerships to ensure children with complex medical needs have the life-saving technology they need in emergency situations!

You can learn more about how the MFTD waiver pays for home generators and other important benefits for Home Care families on our Waiver Services for Home Care Families page.

Listening Sessions to Gather Input on HealthChoice Illinois

September 4th, 2024

HealthChoice Illinois logo

HFS invites families to participate in listening sessions to share feedback on HealthChoice Illinois managed care

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) wants to hear about your experience with HealthChoice Illinois managed care.

The agency is holding in-person and virtual listening sessions to gather feedback from HealthChoice Illinois customers, providers, advocates and other stakeholders.

You can share your experiences, suggest improvements and also provide written feedback through an online form.

Most Medicaid customers are part of HealthChoice Illinois. You’re a HealthChoice Illinois customer if you selected a managed care organization after you joined Medicaid.

HFS wants to know:

  • What works well for you with HealthChoice Illinois?
  • Where do you see opportunities to improve?
  • How else can HFS and HealthChoice Illinois meet your needs?

There are several ways you can share your input:

In-Person Listening Sessions

  • Chicago
  • Springfield
    • Date and time: Tuesday, Sept. 17, from 1 to 4 p.m.
    • Location: John Block Building Auditorium, Illinois Department of Agriculture, 801 E. Sangamon Ave., on the Illinois State Fairgrounds at Gate 11
    • Link to register for Springfield session

Virtual Listening Sessions

HFS will also take comments during its virtual Medicaid Advisory Committee (MAC) and Subcommittee meetings on:

  • Sept. 24
  • Oct. 3
  • Nov. 1

Visit the HFS website for details and registration information.

Written Feedback

If you’re unable to attend a listening session, the HFS website also has an online form to provide written feedback.

HFS will accept feedback through Nov. 15, 2024.

Why Your Feedback is Important

HFS is preparing to procure new HealthChoice Illinois managed care contracts. Your input will help HFS better serve enrollees by improving access and quality within the Illinois Medicaid program.

If you are a Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) participant, the listening sessions are also a good opportunity to share your families’ experience working with DSCC.

We partner with HealthChoice Illinois managed care organizations through contracts to provide care coordination services for their members.

More details about the procurement process are on the HFS website.

Share Your Feedback on Key MFTD Waiver Updates to Strengthen Support for Families

September 3rd, 2024

logo for the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

Families have through Sept. 28, 2024, to share input on waiver amendments allowing CNAs to become paid family caregivers and nursing rate increases.

Families have an opportunity to share feedback on several significant updates to the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Those Who Are Medically Fragile, Technology Dependent (MFTD waiver).

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) is the Medicaid agency responsible for the MFTD waiver. Many families in the Home Care Program have children who receive services through this waiver.

HFS is currently seeking approval from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for waiver amendments that will:

  • Allow parents who are certified nursing assistants (CNAs) to be paid family caregivers
  • Increase rates for in-home nurses and CNA services

Read below for more details about these amendments and how to share your input.

CNAs as Paid Family Caregivers

Plans are underway to allow parents/legally responsible adults (LRAs) to become paid caregivers if they are a CNA and employed through a nursing agency.

Currently, parents/LRAs are paid for providing skilled nursing services to their children if they hold an active registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN) license. This rule applies to parents/LRAs of all children approved for Home Care services, regardless of the child’s age. (Read more about our efforts to make paid licensed family caregivers a permanent benefit.)

Allowing parents and caregivers who are CNAs to become paid caregivers is an important step in strengthening our support for families of individuals who need in-home shift nursing.

This update would give more parents/LRAs the opportunity to earn payment for the caregiving they provide their children at home.

This change requires an amendment to the MFTD waiver as well as the creation of a new state plan amendment.

Nursing Rate Increase

HFS is also proposing a 7 percent rate increase for in-home nurses and CNA services to take effect on Jan. 1, 2025.

This rate increase would affect:

  • RN, LPN and CNA care
  • In-home and facility-based respite care
  • Nurse training rates

The proposed rates are as follows:

  • RN, $57.78 per hour
  • LPN, $48.15 per hour
  • CNA, $32.10 per hour

We hope this rate increase can help make more high-quality nursing options available for our participant families.

Transitional Care Services provided outside the home (not an MFTD waiver service) is expected to have a rate increase from $950 to $1,300 a day. This increase would also take effect on Jan. 1, 2025.

Other Key Updates in the Amendment Include:

  • Adds adaptive equipment and assistive technology as new services.
  • Makes pest control a post-approval process. This change means families will not need to receive prior approval for pest control services.
  • Makes the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) the entity responsible for the prior approval for home accessibility modifications, vehicle modifications, medical equipment operating expenses, adaptive equipment, placement maintenance counseling and assistive technology.
  • Removes the requirement of two bids if the cost exceeds $2,000 for waiver services. This change is necessary to help increase access to services.

Share Your Feedback

The public comment period for these proposed waiver amendments is now open.

To review the full list of proposed waiver updates, you can:

  • Review a hard copy at HFS’ offices at:
    • 201 South Grand Ave. E.,
      Springfield, IL 62763
    • 401 S. Clinton
      Chicago, IL 60607

The deadline to provide feedback is Sept 28, 2024.

You can share your feedback in two ways:

  • Via email to HFS.HCBSWaiver@illinois.gov
  • Via mail to the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, Attention: Waiver Operations Management, 201 South Grand Ave. E., 2FL, Springfield, IL 62763

This public comment process is one of the best ways you can have your voice heard.

HFS will send your comments to the federal CMS as part of the waiver approval process.

If you have questions, please contact HFS’s Waiver Operations Management Unit at (217) 524-4148 or (844) 528-8444.

Important Update on Change Healthcare Cyberattack and Its Impact on Our Participant Families

February 26th, 2024

"Update" written in white chalk on a blackboard

We are working with our state and provider partners to try to ensure there is no impact on our participants’ care.

Late last week, we learned of a cyberattack affecting Change Healthcare.

We want to share how this event may impact our participant families. We also want to explain the steps that are in place to try to ensure there is no impact on your child’s care.  

Change Healthcare/Optum is the database that the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) uses to manage pharmacy claims. Please see the following communication from HFS at https://hfs.illinois.gov/medicalproviders/notices/notice.prn240223b.html.

In addition to the impact on the pharmacy system, this cyberattack also affects some billing processes. Home nursing agencies use Change Healthcare’s system to electronically submit their bills for payment. 

We have sent communication to the home nursing agencies who use electronic bills and put an alternative method of bill submission into place. This should not create any disruption in the nursing agencies’ ability to provide services in the home.

Lastly, our Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) team is here to support your family with any issues you may experience. 

If you have any concerns or need assistance, please reach out to your assigned DSCC Care Coordinator. We are happy to help you. 

Important Reminders: End of Public Health Emergency and Return to In-Person Visits

June 7th, 2023

An overview of key changes affecting all Division of Specialized Care for Children participants now that the public health emergency is over

The public health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic ended on May 11, 2023.

This ending brings a variety of changes for our Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) participant families. These changes include a return to in-person visits from DSCC Care Coordinators, an end to verbal signatures and more.

The following sections give an overview of key points and important dates to remember:

  • Reminders for All DSCC Program Participants
  • Reminders for Home Care Program Participants
  • Important Medicaid/Insurance Updates for All DSCC Participants in Medicaid
  • Contact Reminders for All DSCC Program Participants

Reminders for All DSCC Program Participants

Return to In-Person Visits

Meeting in person with our participants and families is an important part of care coordination. The public health emergency allowed face-to-face visits to occur virtually. Now that the public health emergency has ended, we must return to face-to-face meetings with our participants. 

Your DSCC Care Coordinator will work with you in advance to schedule your next in-person/home visit.  We understand that in-person visits with your Care Coordinator may be a change for you and your family. We paused these visits for several years during the public health emergency (though many families continued to meet with their Care Coordinator during the pandemic). 

Seeing you in person helps us get to know you and your family better. It can also help improve your connection with your DSCC Care Coordinator. Our partnership with Medicaid and Medicaid managed care plans also requires us to meet with you in person. If you have any concerns about in-person visits, please talk to your Care Coordinator. We will work with you to see how to best accommodate your preferences.

Verbal Signatures

The public health emergency allowed your Care Coordinator to receive necessary signatures verbally. As of May 11, 2023, it is a federal rule that DSCC can no longer accept verbal signatures.

  • Electronic signature options (such as through Adobe) remain an option for families when signing DSCC documents.

Reminders for Home Care Program Participants

End of Continued Medicaid and Program Enrollment for Those Found Ineligibile for Services

Starting April 1, 2023, DSCC began working with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) to reassess all Home Care Program participants who received a notice of ineligibility for the program since March 1, 2020. Now that the public health emergency has ended, HFS’ notices accurately list the approved level of services for you or your child.

  • If you or your child received a notice of ineligibility for services since March 1, 2020, your services will remain in place until HFS completes a reassessment. The reassessment looks at your updated and current medical documentation and will occur before Sept. 30, 2023.
  • If you or your child received a notice of reduced nursing hours since March 1, 2020, your Care Coordinator will complete the next reassessment of services at your regularly scheduled renewal time. Services will remain in place until this reassessment occurs.

Reminders for Individuals in the Non-Waiver Program (Nursing and Personal Care Services)

Now that the public health emergency has ended, all individuals who turn 21 and are not on the Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Those Who Are Medically Fragile Technology Dependent (MFTD), will not be eligible for services. If you or your child were on non-waiver services and turned 21 between the dates of March 1, 2020, and March 31, 2023, services will end on Sept. 30, 2023. Your Care Coordinator will work with you to ensure you or your child is set with an alternate state waiver, such as the Division of Rehabilitative Services (DRS), if applicable.

For all non-waiver participants under age 21, you must continue to have Medicaid coverage to receive Home Care services. It is important that you submit the redetermination form from Medicaid to keep your coverage. If you fail to meet Medicaid eligibility or do not respond in time, HFS will cancel your Medicaid case. Your Home Care services will then also end.

Additional COVID-19 Respite Allotment

During the public health emergency, HFS approved an additional 336 hours of respite to use before the regular respite allotment. This additional respite is for all Home Care MFTD waiver participants. Starting Nov. 11, 2023, this additional COVID respite will expire. All respite used after Nov. 11, 2023, will come from the standard respite allotment.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

During the public health emergency, nursing agencies were reimbursed for PPE when actively staffing nurses in the home. The PPE is for the nurses to use while caring for participants. This reimbursement of PPE supplies to the nursing agencies will end on Nov. 11, 2023.

Nursing Supervisory Visits

Nursing agencies resumed in-person supervisory visits in November 2020. Effective May 11, 2023, there can be no exceptions to replace in-person supervisory visits.

Important Medicaid/Insurance Updates for All DSCC Participants in Medicaid

These next sections explain important Medicaid updates now that the public health emergency and continuous Medicaid coverage period has ended. The end of the public health emergency may also affect your Medicaid coverage or your private health insurance coverage.

No More Copays or Premiums for Medicaid

Most Medicaid programs no longer have premiums or copays. All Kids Assist, Aid to the Aged Blind and Disabled (AABD) and Adult Medicaid do not have monthly premiums or copays for services. All Kids Premium 1, Premium 2 and Share programs are all called All Kids Assist now.

Medical Redetermination for Medicaid

Redetermination is when Medicaid looks to see if you are still eligible. They look at your residency, monthly income and other criteria to decide if you still qualify.

Medicaid sent forms to some members as early as May 2023. They will not complete redetermination on all cases at the same time. They will make the redeterminations over several months. This means that your Medicaid redetermination could happen now or later, even next year. It is important to make sure Medicaid has your current address. You can report your address online at Medicaid.illinois.gov or call (877) 805-5312. We also have a news post with more details about how to update your address.
Please watch your mail for letters from Medicaid.

Once you receive your redetermination notice, you will have about a month to respond. Medicaid may ask for more information about your income, residency or other information. If Medicaid asks for more information and you do not respond, your Medicaid coverage ends. You can return the redetermination in several ways:

  1. Online at ABE.illinois.gov using Manage My Case. Manage My Case is the quickest way to complete your redetermination.
  2. By mail.
  3. In person at a local Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) Family Community Resource Center.
  4. By phone.

If you are in a Medicaid managed care plan (MCO), please remember the MCO does not do the redetermination. Medicaid does redetermination reviews. If you do not qualify for Medicaid anymore, your coverage ends. If you are still eligible, you keep your Medicaid coverage.

Don’t risk losing your health insurance. Please update your address with Illinois Medicaid. It’s easy, fast and free:

  • Call (877) 805-5312 from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Visit medicaid.illinois.gov.
  • If you use a TTY, call (877) 204-1012.

Please contact your DSCC Care Coordinator if you have questions about Medicaid redetermination.

Telehealth Coverage

Telehealth coverage for Medicaid (and other insurances) is a permanent change and will continue after the public health emergency to give Medicaid time to review for any future changes. You can review the HFS Provider Notice issued May 9, 2023, on Telehealth to learn more.

An Illinois law signed in 2021 requires insurance to cover telehealth through 2027. This law does not require that practitioners or providers offer telehealth services. Therefore, your providers may not offer telehealth care. The law only says that insurance must pay providers for telehealth care if they provide it.

Pharmacy Billing and Prior Approval Requirements

Pharmacy billing and prior approval requirements for Medicaid will resume. There were many flexibilities that allowed Medicaid members to get medications. These include overriding the refill too soon and waiving requirements for the preferred drug list, quantity and brand limits. If you go to the pharmacy and they tell you that you can’t get your medications, ask your doctor to submit a prior approval to Medicaid. You can review the HFS Provider Notice issued May 3, 2023, on Pharmacy Billing to learn more. Contact your DSCC Care Coordinator for more help.

DME and Therapy Prior Approval Requirements

DME and therapy prior approval requirements for Medicaid will resume. There are some services that Medicaid did not require a prior approval for during the public health emergency. These services include therapy, home health and some durable medical equipment (DME). It is important for your providers to get a prior approval so that Medicaid reviews medical eligibility for the services. You can review the HFS Provider Notice issued April 4, 2023, on Prior Approval Requirements for more details. Contact your DSCC Care Coordinator for more help.

COVID-19 Tests, Treatment, and Vaccines

Uninsured individuals will no longer get access to special COVID-19 Medicaid eligibility which included testing, services, treatment, and vaccine administration during the public health emergency. You can view the HFS Provider Notice issued May 9, 2023,  on Uninsured Population Special COVID-19 Coverage. Medicaid members who do have eligibility will continue to be able to access treatment, testing and vaccines.

Those with private insurance should also be able to continue to access treatment and vaccines as outlined by their plan.

Insurance plans will no longer cover over-the-counter tests for COVID-19  for free. Generally, a doctor will need to order the test and provide them in an office or similar facility. This may vary from plan to plan. You should call your insurance plan if you have questions. There may also be community organizations or public health departments still distributing COVID-19 tests and related services, such as vaccines, for free.

Extension of COBRA

During the public health emergency,  there was an extension of election and notice deadlines for someone to take COBRA after losing or leaving a job. That will expire 60 days after May 11, 2023.

Temporary Special Enrollment Period

For individuals who no longer qualify for Medicaid after they go through redetermination, there is a special open enrollment period through the federal health insurance marketplace to purchase private insurance. It will extend from March 31, 2023, to July 31, 2024. This is only for people with a special qualifying event, such as losing coverage. Otherwise, the regular open enrollment period will be in November and December for individuals who need to enroll in private insurance through the marketplace. The Illinois website is GetCovered.illinois.gov and the federal website is HealthCare.gov.

Questions? Contact Us!

As a DSCC participant family, you can contact us with any questions or support your family needs.

Please note the best way to reach your care coordination team or any DSCC office is through our toll-free number of (800) 322-3722.

You can use this number to dial your Care Coordinator’s direct extension or to have our Customer Service Representatives connect you with the right person/team.

We have updated our phone system and ask everyone to use the (800) 322-3722 number as the simplest and fastest way to reach us.

Our office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please talk to your Care Coordinator if you have a need to speak outside of business hours.

You may also reach us through our general dscc@uic.edu inbox or use our Contact Us or Request a Callback forms on our website.

Please talk with your Care Coordinator if you have more questions or need to update your communication preferences.

We are thankful for your partnership throughout the changes related to the end of the pandemic and public health emergency. Our team will continue to help support your family and connect you with the right services and resources.

Permanent Home Care Program Changes Give Families More Flexibility and Support

February 9th, 2023

Jacob Ortiz, a young Hispanic boy with a tracheostomy, sits in his stroller between his two parents

Paid licensed caregivers and nurse overtime are now permanent options for Home Care families

We have exciting news about long-term changes to the Home Care Program. We have listened to our participant families and made two pandemic-related benefits permanent. These changes can provide continued flexibility and support beyond the public health emergency.

When the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020, UIC’s Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) partnered with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) to address our Home Care families’ needs. Together, we set provisions included in Appendix K. Appendix K is an emergency coverage document for individuals receiving services through a Medicaid waiver.

We continued to partner with HFS to make two provisions permanent for Home Care participants. As a result, nurses can continue to provide overtime. Licensed parents/legally responsible adults (LRAs) can also remain paid nurse caregivers for their children enrolled in Home Care.

Below are more information and guidelines on these new permanent changes.

Licensed (RN or LPN) Parent/LRA Paid Caregivers

Parents or LRAs, including foster parents, can provide skilled nursing services to their children if they hold an active registered nurse (RN) or licensed practical nurse (LPN) license.

This approval includes participants enrolled in medically fragile, technology-dependent (MFTD) waiver services and non-waiver services. This approval is for all children approved for Home Care services, regardless of the child’s age.

Guidelines include:

  • The licensed parent/LRA must be a nurse employee of a DSCC-approved nursing agency. The nursing agency sets the number of hours the parent can work each week.
  • Services may begin on the licensed parent/LRA’s hire date.
  • The licensed parent/LRA must meet all nursing agency rules for provider qualifications and training.
  • The licensed parent/LRA can work overtime hours. Overtime is anything over 40 hours a week.
  • The licensed parent/LRA must hold an active RN or LPN license.
  • Licensed parents/LRAs may not provide respite services under the waiver.
  • Licensed parents/LRAs cannot receive reimbursement for nurse training.
  • The total nursing hours may not exceed the approved resource allocation.


Nursing agencies will permanently receive payment for overtime hours to Home Care participants. Overtime hours benefit the participant and family. They also allow nurse caregivers to provide more nursing coverage to participants. The possibility of overtime also incentivizes the nurse caregiver to provide more coverage. Overtime allows nursing agencies to cover more authorized hours while stretching their staffing over fewer nurses. This is especially helpful to families during a time of increased demand for nurses.

Guidelines include:

  • Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, overtime is anything over 40 hours a week.
  • The Nurse Practice Act prohibits working more than 16 hours in a 24-hour period. An eight-hour break between shifts is also mandatory.
  • Overtime is defined as time-and-a-half.
  • Overtime reimbursement comes from the approved resource allocation. The amount billed cannot exceed the HFS-approved resource allocation.
  • Those on the MFTD waiver cannot use overtime when using respite hours.
  • Parents/LRAs who are nurse paid caregivers can work overtime. The parent/LRA is an employee of the nursing agency. The nursing agency determines the number of hours the parent can work each week. The number of hours cannot exceed the approved resource allocation.
  • Nurses can only be eligible for overtime when Medicaid is the payer. When private insurance is the payer, nurses cannot receive overtime pay.

Please contact your DSCC Care Coordinator with any questions or concerns.

We hope these permanent changes will continue to benefit your family.

Share Your Feedback on the Nursing Allocation Process

October 6th, 2022

The text, "We Want to Hear From You!" in a conversation bubble with the DSCC logo

Help our Family Advisory Council recommend changes that can benefit Home Care Program participants and their families.

The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) helps coordinate and monitor in-home nursing for families through the Home Care Program.

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) determines the number of approved nursing hours after reviewing the individual’s medical reports and medical needs.

Our Family Advisory Council (FAC) now wants to help families better understand the process for how HFS assigns nursing allocations. The FAC also wants to help HFS understand the unique needs and circumstances of Home Care families when deciding nursing allocations.

FAC Advocacy Chair Whitney Woodring is putting together a Nursing Allocation Workgroup to gather feedback on these issues. Whitney’s daughter Willa has received Home Care services since she was a baby. (See Willa’s Family Story for more details.)

Whitney hopes to speak with families across Illinois to learn about their experiences with nursing allocations and the appeal process.

You can email Whitney directly with feedback at w.woodring25@gmail.com.

Whitney would like to hear all input, including positive experiences with the process.

Your feedback will help Whitney and the FAC make recommendations for changes that can benefit as many participants as possible.

To learn more about the FAC, visit our Family Advisory Council page. Be sure to also join the FAC’s next open forum meeting on Nov. 10.

Need more information about nursing services and allocations?

Our Nursing Services Tip sheet gives an overview of Medicaid’s nursing services to help families in the Home Care Program take care of their child’s medical needs:

Our Home Care Appeal and Peer-to-Peer Review Tip Sheet explains how the review and determination of medical eligibility for Home Care services work:

You can find these handouts and other helpful information for families on our Home Care Information Hub.

Medicaid Members – Update Your Address

September 12th, 2022

closed mailbox that says, "U.S.. Mail" on the front

Don’t risk missing important paperwork and losing Medicaid coverage

Do you get health insurance through Medicaid?

Be sure your address is up-to-date so you don’t risk losing coverage.

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) needs every Medicaid member to update their mailing address. This step can ensure you receive important paperwork about your benefits.

Medicaid pays for your health care, like visits to your doctor and your medicine. Updating your address can help you avoid surprises and get critical information about your insurance.

We urge all Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) participant families who receive Medicaid to make sure their contact information is current.

You can update your address in several easy steps:

  • Call the HFS hotline at (877) 805-5312 from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
  • Contact HFS via TTY at (877) 204-1012
  • Fill out a quick online form at medicaid.illinois.gov.

To keep your Medicaid coverage, be sure to use an address where mail can always reach you.

For instructions in other languages, please visit HFS’ Address Update Messaging Toolkit webpage.

It’s been two years since HFS has asked Medicaid members to update their contact information. As the COVID-19 public health emergency continues, Medicaid members can stay insured without confirming all eligibility requirements.

Plans are underway to eventually end the public health emergency. An exact date is not yet known.

Once the date is set, HFS will mail important information about how to keep your Medicaid coverage.

Please update your address right away. The process is fast, easy and free.

We will share more details about the end of the public health emergency once they are available.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact your DSCC Care Coordinator. You can call our offices at (800) 322-3722.

DSCC Works to Continue Paid Licensed Caregiver Option for Families

August 30th, 2022

logo for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

DSCC partners with state and federal agencies to ensure licensed caregivers can be paid nurses for their children beyond the public health emergency

The COVID-19 public health emergency has given families more flexibility to help care for their children with complex medical needs.

One helpful way is allowing parents and legally responsible adults (LRAs) who are licensed nurses to be paid caregivers.

The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) is working with our state and federal partners to make this a permanent option through the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Medically Fragile, Technology Dependent (MFTD) Children.

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) is the Medicaid agency responsible for the MFTD waiver. Many families in the Home Care Program have children who receive services through the MFTD waiver.

HFS must renew Illinois’ MFTD waiver every five years. The current waiver will expire on Aug. 31.

DSCC and HFS partnered to collect family input and propose several changes as part of this year’s renewal process. Our proposal included a request for nursing by licensed LRAs to be a permanent MFTD waiver service.

We understand this option is a much-needed benefit for our participant families.

The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reviewed our proposed changes as part of the waiver approval process.

CMS is now asking for more time to review our request for paid nursing by licensed LRAs. Therefore, nursing by licensed LRAs is currently not part of the approved waiver that will take effect on Sept. 1.

“CMS is aware of the strong advocacy and support of this service from waiver customers, families, UIC (the University of Illinois Chicago), DSCC, and HFS. It is their intention to support the State in this endeavor; however, their review will not be completed by the waiver expiration date,” according to an HFS notice to MFTD waiver families.

You can read the full notice about licensed LRAs and the waiver renewal on the HFS website.

In the meantime, nursing by licensed LRAs remains part of Appendix K. (Appendix K is an emergency coverage document for individuals receiving services through a Medicaid waiver.)

Licensed LRA nursing will therefore continue throughout the public health emergency and six months after it ends. (The public health emergency is currently set to end in October, but this date will likely be pushed back once more.) This option is available for all Home Care participants, including those who do not receive MFTD waiver benefits.

This timeframe will give CMS more time to review and work with DSCC and HFS to approve licensed LRA nursing as a permanent waiver service.

Families can see the approved waiver and review the changes taking effect on Sept. 1.

We will continue partnering with HFS and CMS to help meet our participants’ needs and resolve their concerns. We look forward to more progress in the coming months.

Please note this update about licensed parent caregivers is separate from DSCC and HFS’s other work to expand paid caregiving options for the Home Care Program as part of Illinois’ plans for an increased federal match (FMAP) from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

We remain committed to improving support for caregivers of children with medical complexity. We will share updates as available on this additional work.

Public Comment Period for MFTD Waiver Updates

June 3rd, 2022

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services logo

The deadline to share feedback is June 30.

Families have an opportunity to share feedback on proposed updates to the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver for Medically Fragile, Technology Dependent (MFTD) Children.

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) is the Medicaid agency responsible for the MFTD waiver. Many families in the Home Care Program have children who receive services through the MFTD waiver.

HFS must renew Illinois’ MFTD waiver every five years. HFS and the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) have partnered to make several changes as part of this year’s renewal process.

To review the full list of waiver updates, you can:

  • See page 2 of the electronic copy of the proposed renewal application.
  • Review a hard copy at HFS’ offices at:
    • 201 South Grand Ave. E.,
      Springfield, IL 62763
    • 401 S. Clinton
      Chicago, IL 60607

HFS now seeks public input on these changes. (You can read the public comment notice on the HFS website.)

The deadline to provide feedback is June 30.

You can share your feedback in two ways:

  • Via email to HFS.HCBSWaiver@illinois.gov
  • Via mail to the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, Attention: Waiver Operations Management, 201 South Grand Ave. E., 2FL, Springfield, IL 62763

HFS will send your comments to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as part of the waiver approval process.

If you have questions, please contact HFS’s Waiver Operations Management Unit at (217) 524-4148 or (844) 528-8444.