2020 Parent Institute Canceled

May 4th, 2020

Deaf infant plays with an instructor during the 2018 Institute for Parents of Preschool Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

The Institute for Parents of Preschool Children Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing is canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are sorry to announce that this year’s Institute for Parents of Preschool Children Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing is canceled.

This decision follows the Governor’s executive orders to keep schools closed, keep people home, maintain social distancing and promote public health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The Institute is a one-week program for parents of children ages 5 and under who have a significant hearing loss. It takes place on the campus of the Illinois School for the Deaf in Jacksonville each June.

Participating parents attend daily lectures by experts in the field to learn about raising a child with hearing loss.

Although we cannot gather in person, parents can still access presentations from the Institute’s experts.

As a supporter of the Institute, the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) has made these presentations available online so they can benefit more families of children with hearing loss.

Videos on each topic are posted on the Illinois Sound Beginnings website.

Parents and caregivers can watch each presentation at their own pace in the comfort of their own home.

We will announce details for next year’s Institute after organizers determine a date.

If you would like more information about the Institute, call us at (800) 322-3722 or email Institute@exchange.dscc.uic.edu.

Home Medical Supply Guidance for Families During COVID-19 Outbreak

April 2nd, 2020

Young girl holding an oxygen mask up to her face

Instructions for safely cleaning and re-using supplies for technology-dependent children.

Adequate medical supplies are essential for families caring for children who are medically fragile and technology-dependent at home.

The University of Illinois at Chicago’s Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) wants to make sure our participant families can keep their supplies properly stocked through the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak.

We’ve compiled guidance and instructions to help families safely clean and re-use supplies in case there’s a future shortage. *Please note you should check with your child’s care team to make sure these guidelines are appropriate for your child.

The DSCC Guidance on Home Medical Supplies includes instructions for cleaning and re-using:

  • Feeding supplies
  • Suction supplies
  • Tracheostomy supplies
  • Ventilator equipment
  • Nebulizer equipment

*Again, please check with your child’s care team to make sure these guidelines are appropriate for your child.

The guidance is available on our Home Care Information and Resources page as well as in our list of COVID-19 resources and supports for families.  

Our Care Coordinators are also available to discuss strategies and help you become prepared and well-equipped for your child’s care in the weeks and months ahead.

Please reach out to your local regional office or call us at (800) 322-3722.

COVID-19 Guidance for Medically Fragile Children

March 25th, 2020

Illinois Department of Public Health logo

The Illinois Department of Public Health gives recommended guidance for preventing the spread of COVID-19 in medically fragile children.

The Illinois Department of Public Health has provided guidance for how to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in medically fragile children.

The guidance includes:

  • Planning actions for the home healthcare agency during a disease pandemic
  • Preventative actions for the introduction of respiratory germs into your home
  • Preventative actions for the introduction of respiratory germs within your home
  • Preventative actions for vulnerable populations
  • Contingency planning

The guidance is available in our COVID-19 resource list and at this direct link to the guidance document.

Resources for Special Needs Families During COVID-19 Pandemic

March 24th, 2020

COVID-19 Resources & Supports text with DSCC logo

Meals, financial help, health tips, condition-specific information, learning tools and more to support families of children with special healthcare needs.

Parents and caregivers have a lot to juggle as they care for a child with special healthcare needs amid the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak.

The uncertainty and required social distancing can pose unique challenges, questions and concerns.

The University of Illinois Chicago’s Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC)’s team of professionals is here to help.

We’ve compiled a list of resources to help families find the right support: https://dscc.uic.edu/browse-resources/covid-resources/.

The list includes places offering free meals, utility assistance, free Wi-Fi, health tips, educational websites, activities during social distancing and condition-specific information.

Resources are also broken down by our regional office locations.

We’ll continue to update this list as new resources become available. Please check back often for the latest information.

If you have a resource to add to our list, please email us at dscc@uic.edu.

Tips for Medical Supply Preparations During COVID-19 Outbreak

March 19th, 2020

Medical prescription and several pills on table

We’re here to help participants and their families plan and take the proper precautions with their medical supplies during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Many families enrolled with the University of Illinois at Chicago’s Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) rely on medical supplies for their child’s care.

Now is a good time to plan for how to keep your supplies properly stocked through the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak.

We suggest you reach out to your child’s medical provider about how to safely reuse and/or make supplies last longer. This information can help you act in the best interest of your child in case there’s a need to conserve medical supplies in the future.

We also recommend asking your provider about getting extra necessary medications to have on hand or using a mail-order option.

Your DSCC Care Coordinator is also available to discuss strategies and help you feel prepared and well-equipped for your child’s care in the weeks and months ahead.

Please reach out to your local regional office or call us at (800) 322-3722.

Important COVID-19 Update for DSCC Families

March 15th, 2020

Illustration showing the ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses

DSCC taking steps to protect our participants, their caregivers and our staff, including suspended home visits and limiting office visitors.

The University of Illinois at Chicago’s Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) has an important update about the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. 

We want you to be aware of some p​recautions we are taking to protect our program participants, their families/caregivers and our DSCC team.   

We are limiting visitors in our office until the guidance changes.  We feel this step is necessary to protect the participants of our program and our staff.

If you arrive at one of our offices, you will be asked to call to tell us more about how we can help you.  

We are also suspending home visits or other face-to-face visits until the current situation improves. 

DSCC Regional Offices plan to remain open.  If we have to close an office, we will still have staff available through our other DSCC locations who can help you get the care you need. 

Since the guidance on ways to slow the spread of coronavirus is evolving, please watch our website for continued updates.  

Our DSCC team remains committed to our mission to partner with Illinois families and communities to help children and youth with special healthcare needs connect to the services and resources they need.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we all do our part to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.  

Be well!