Introducing “All About Me” Pages to Highlight Your Child’s Strengths, Needs and More

We’ve created free templates you can personalize to help doctors, schools and others get to know your child
It takes a village to care for children and youth with special healthcare needs. Parents and caregivers must partner with many different team members — specialists, nurses, therapists, educators and so on — to help their children reach their full potential.
Ensuring everyone understands your child and their unique needs can be exhausting. We want to help make it easier to share your child’s strengths, wants, goals and more.
We’ve created “All About Me” Pages that you can personalize to help anyone get to know your child. These free templates highlight what works best for your child, what they like and dislike and who they are as a person.
There are a variety of designs to choose from to help you capture your child’s personality and what makes them unique.
Visit the new “All About Me” Pages section of our website to see the templates and learn how to customize them for your child.
Our “All About Me” Page templates are available for anyone to download and customize.
If you are a Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) participant and need help using the templates, please contact your Care Coordinator.
These pages are a result of feedback from our annual family surveys and our Family Advisory Council meetings.
We hope these pages can be helpful conversation starters with new doctors, nurses, teachers and other caregivers for your child.