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St. Clair Resources

  • Illinois Dual Diagnosis Training Initiative

    Dual diagnosis refers to experiencing an intellectual or developmental disability (IDD) along with a mental health condition. The Illinois Training Initiative to Support People with Dual-Diagnosis or Illinois Dual Diagnosis Training Initiative is a project to identify state priorities in existing services for people with dual diagnosis, develop training to promote collaboration between the IDD and mental health systems, and examine needed changes to policies and practices to promote access to services.

    Illinois Dual Diagnosis Training Initiative’s website offers:

    • Information on what dual diagnosis is and assessment tools
    • Services available in Illinois
    • Information covering the different models of care
    • Personal stories of dual diagnosis
    • A variety of webinars covering topics for self-advocates, professionals and caregivers
  • Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) Family Support Network (FSN)

    The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) Family Support Network (FSN) connects immigrant communities throughout Illinois to a full range of support in collaboration with member organizations (Información en español). ICIRR resources include a legal services directory, workshops, trainings, tips sheets and more.

    ICIRR Family Support Network provides a Family Support Hotline at (855) 435-7693. Its website also includes:

  • Digital Literacy Training for People with Disabilities and Their Families

    The Arc and AT&T offer digital skills training nationwide to people with disabilities and their families. The safe and accessible digital skills trainings aim to help people with different learning styles gain the skills they need to apply for jobs, be socially connected and more.

    You can access online courses anytime on AT&T’s website.

    The Arc of Illinois also offers in-person workshops. For more information, visit The Arc of Illinois website or email

  • National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C)

    The National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C) provides a wide range of information, training and supports to build and strengthen services and instruction for secondary students and out-of-school youth with disabilities. Its website offers:

    • Training and technical assistance.
    • Easy-to-find transition topic areas. Each topic includes an additional list of key resources, related topics and training webinars.
    • Webinars and toolkits
  • National Resources for Access, Independence, Self-Determination and Employment (RAISE) Technical Assistance Center

    The National Resources for Access, Independence, Self-Determination and Employment (RAISE) Technical Assistance Center provides technical assistance and resources to support youth and young adults with disabilities and their families during the transition to adulthood. RAISE provides information, toolkits, webinars and support to help individuals:

    • Better understand vocational rehabilitation and independent living programs and services
    • Communicate more effectively with transition, rehabilitation and other professionals
    • Understand the Rehabilitation Act and how it supports employment, supported employment and independent living
    • Develop an Individualized Plan for Employment

    RAISE’s resources include:

    Many of the resources are also available in Spanish.

  • CMS Sickle Cell Disease Provider Toolkit

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) Provider Toolkit provides help to strengthen the infrastructure across care settings and support the needs of people with SCD. The toolkit includes:

    • How CMS program coverage can assist people with SCD
    • General information about SCD
    • Resources for individuals with SCD and those who support them
    • SCD treatments, pain management and wellness
    • Information for providers and community partners
    • CMS Action Plan
  • Kelly Brush Foundation

    The Kelly Brush Foundation (KBF) inspires and empowers individuals with spinal cord injuries to live active and engaged lives. KBF programs include Active Fund grants, scholarships, camps and the Active Project connecting adaptive organizations and athletes nationwide.

  • “Steps for Better Health” Toolkits for People with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides a series of easy-to-read fact sheets for people with sickle cell disease (SCD). The “Steps for Better Health” toolkits provide information and health tips about many of the complications that can affect people with SCD. The CDC created the materials in partnership with the American Society of Hematology (ASH).

    The “Steps for Better Health” toolkits are based on the ASH Clinical Practice Guidelines on SCD and include information on:

    • Caring for common complications
    • Lung health
    • Blood clots
    • Managing acute and chronic pain
    • Blood transfusions
  • Goodwill Career Center

    The Goodwill Career Center offers free, one-on-one guidance to help you gain employment and reach your career goals. In-person and online resources are available to learn about training programs, how to fill out job applications, prep for interviews or get trained in new skills. Services may vary by location.

    Find a Goodwill Career Center near you using their locator tool.

  • Family Voices “My Language, My Care” Language Access Rights and Services Course

    Family Voices’ “My Language, My Care” is a free online, plain language course to help increase awareness, understanding and use of language access rights and services for families whose preferred language is not English. The course is available in English, Spanish, Chinese and American Sign Language.

    Family Voices’ My Language, My Care course will provide:

    • An understanding of their rights under the law
    • Information about interpreter confidentiality
    • Tools to advocate for high-quality language access services in the healthcare setting
    • A certificate of completion after finishing all six modules of the training course
    • Access to a free toolkit with information from the course in English, Spanish and Chinese