Resource Directory /

Springfield Resources

  • The Arc’s Center for Future Planning

    The Arc’s Center for Future Planning aims to support and encourage adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families to plan for the future.

    The Center provides reliable information and assistance to individuals with I/DD, their family members and friends, professionals who support them and other members of the community on areas such as person-centered planning, decision-making, housing options and financial planning.

  • Find Food IL Community Food Map

    Find Food IL is a community food map that provides a list of places offering free food or meals in your community. You can find food pantries, stores and markets that accept SNAP/LINK or WIC coupons, and more resources that are close to you.

  • Decision-Making Planning Tool

    Everyone’s ability to make decisions changes across a lifetime including people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).

    The Arc’s Center for Future Planning created this handout to help individuals with IDD and their families learn how to make, review and adjust a decision-making plan throughout a person’s life to maximize their ability to make their own decisions.

  • Guardianship Myths

    There are many myths about guardianship that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families should understand.

    The Arc’s Center for Future Planning has created this handout to help.

  • Addressing Tenant Concerns Regarding Rent and the Temporary Suspension of Evictions for Nonpayment of Rent

    The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) developed this flyer to provide Housing Choice Voucher, Public Housing, and Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation participants with important information and resources about paying rent during the national emergency concerning the coronavirus pandemic.

    HUD also provides Resources for Renters which includes:

    • Eviction prevention resources
    • HUD-certified housing counselors
    • Fair housing resources and discrimination help
    • Emergency rental assistance
  • Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation

    The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to curing spinal cord injury by advancing innovative research and improving quality of life for individuals and families impacted by paralysis.

    The website includes: