Lombard Resources
CaringBridge is a no-cost, nonprofit health platform that surrounds family caregivers with support while they are caring for a loved one on a health journey.
CaringBridge offers tools to:
- Share and document a health journey
- Simplify care coordination
- Connect caregivers with a supportive community
Illinois Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side (GBYS) is a free program providing unbiased information, one-on-one support and resources and trained Parent Guides to talk and/or meet with you if you have a child with hearing loss or a suspected hearing loss.
Parent Guides are adults who have children with a hearing loss. They provide unbiased information and resources regarding communication, educational and technological choices. They help families identify their options and not tell them which options to choose. They support families and can help them navigate through the many systems and services available in Illinois. They work as a team with professionals offering a well rounded care system for families.
Illinois Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Program
The Illinois Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (IL EHDI) Program works to ensure families of babies and children who are deaf or hard of hearing receive appropriate and timely services. These services include hearing screening, diagnosis, early intervention and parent-to-parent support, provided through coordinated systems of care.
Families and providers can learn more about the EHDI program and find resources on the Illinois Sound Beginnings website.
Illinois Early Learning Project
The Illinois Early Learning Project provides evidence-based, early care and education information for parents, caregivers and teachers of young children in the state of Illinois.
The site provides a wide range of information on important topics involving early care and education, including:
- Resource lists
- Easy-to-read tip sheets
- Dental health and dentist visits resources on children’s dental health and dentist visits to promote good oral health
- A picky eaters toolkit with strategies to try and actions to avoid
- Safe sleep resources for educators and family members on how to keep infants and toddlers safe when sleeping
Autism Speaks is is dedicated to creating an inclusive world for all individuals with autism throughout their lifespan. Its website offers individuals with autism and their families information about autism, research and innovation, available resources and grants, advocacy and more. It includes:
- Search features for finding information by topic, life stage, and the level of support needs (some support, moderate amount of support, intensive support) of the person with autism
- A resource guide providing events, information and supports in your local community
- Resources created specifically for self-advocates, parent/caregivers and professionals
- A list of grants from national organizations offering support to families
The Chicago Lighthouse is a social service organization serving the blind, visually impaired, disabled and veteran communities. It provides vision rehabilitation services, education, employment opportunities and assistive technology for people of all ages throughout Chicagoland. It also provides national and statewide resources for college, brailler repair, employment, recreation, service animals and more.
The organization’s Lader Family Scholarship Program is open to Illinois residents who are blind or visually impaired, as well as Chicago Lighthouse employees who are blind, visually impaired, have another disability or are veterans. You can learn more about the Lader Family Scholarship and other scholarship opportunities on the Chicago Lighthouse website.
The Humanitarian Foundation Grottoes International program helps cover the costs of dental treatment, including hospital and anesthesia costs, for children with Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, Organ Transplants or Muscular Dystrophy and related neuromuscular disorders.
National center dedicated to improving health care insurance and financing for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN).
The PKU Organization of Illinois provides resources and support to teens, adults and families with PKU and 16 allied disorders.
Their website includes information about understanding and managing phenylketonuria (PKU), diet, local resources, events, what to expect at different life stages and a PKU binder toolkit.
The National PKU alliance provides information including the latest research, a guide for new parents, educational videos, cooking and food, personal stories, scholarships, and legislation and policy.
Individuals impacted by Phenylketonuria (known as PKU) may also download the PKU Handbook, a guide to help understand, organize information and manage PKU from diagnosis to adulthood.