Resource Directory /

Lombard Resources

  • Valley Education for Employment System (VALEES)

    Valley Education for Employment System (VALEES) provides career and technical education (CTE) courses and oversees a variety of state and federal education improvement grants for schools in DeKalb, LaSalle, Lee, Kane and Kendall counties. Students with disabilities and other special populations in the VALEES region can earn industry credentials and education benefits, participate in skill-building workshops and competitions, and connect with business and industry. Parents, guardians, educators and professionals can visit the VALEES website for resources and programs for special populations.

  • El Valor

    El Valor is a non-profit, community-based organization serving children, people with disabilities and their families in the Chicagoland area. El Valor offers education programs focusing on early education, inclusion, employment and self-sufficiency for individuals of all ages with different abilities.

    It also provides families a variety of enrichment opportunities including certification classes, first aid, parenting seminars and family support groups. Services are available in English and Spanish.

  • Candor Health Education

    Candor Health Education is a nonprofit organization that provides students, their trusted adults and communities programs and resources on puberty, sex education and substance abuse prevention.

    Candor Health Education also offers in-person and virtual presentations with age-appropriate, science-based information to help students make informed decisions and understand how these things can impact their health.

  • Self-Advocacy Online

    The Self-Advocacy Online (SAO) website, from the Research and Training Center on Community Living at The University of Minnesota,  provides self-advocacy tools for people with disabilities. The SOA website can help you research, learn and connect around self-advocacy. It includes:

    • Stories from self-advocates
    • A search feature to help you find self-advocacy groups
    • Research and information on a variety of important topics
  • Autistic Self Advocacy Network

    The Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) is a nonprofit organization run by and for autistic people. ASAN works to promote a more inclusive society for people with autism and to change the way people think about autism. ASAN provides:

    • Information about autism
    • Plain English toolkits
    • Accessibility resources
    • Self-advocacy resources and leadership training
  • Community and Residential Services Authority (CRSA)

    The Community and Residential Services Authority (CRSA) is an interagency group that identifies and addresses barriers facing parents, families, professionals and providers trying to get needed services and programs for individuals with a behavior disorder or a severe emotional disturbance. CRSA’s free and confidential services include:

    • Helping agencies, schools and parents form working partnerships using a team approach
    • Addressing/resolving multiple agency disagreements about residential placement or funding of placement and services
    • Assisting local communities in developing and strengthening collaborative interagency networking on request

    You can also call CRSA to connect with a program coordinator who will listen and help you develop a plan of care at (877) 541-2772 or (217) 782-2438.

  • June Jessee Memorial Foundation

    The June Jessee Memorial Foundation (JJMF) provides events, information, financial assistance and mental health services to children with medically complex neurological conditions and their families in the St. Louis area and beyond. JJMF resources include:

    • Uncomplicated financial assistance for out-of-pocket medical needs
    • Free mental health services
    • A welcoming, understanding community
    • Information to help make journeys easier