Resource Directory /

Chicago Home Care Resources

  • National Resource Center for Patient/Family-Centered Medical Home

    Family members are the primary caregivers and support in a child’s life. Practices and healthcare organizations that are truly family-centered provide care in equal partnership with families, caregivers and children.

    This page for families and caregivers from the National Resource Center for Patient/Family-Centered Medical Home includes tools, resources and links to information that will assist families in successfully partnering with their child’s medical home. It includes templates for how to build a care plan for your child.

  • United Spinal Association Illinois Chapter

    The United Spinal Association Illinois Chapter (USAIC)  is a non-profit offering information and support resources for people paralyzed by trauma and medical conditions. It also serves family members and health care and related professionals serving the spinal cord injury community. USAIC is located in Palos Heights but provides information, events and educational programs statewide. Its programs include:

    • Virtual and in person peer support groups
    • The “Living with Spinal Cord Injury” program for health professionals and health science students
    • “Injury Prevention” for school children, seniors and other groups featuring members’ experiences, and information on preventing injuries and falls
    • Advocacy and more
  • United Cerebral Palsysun-icon

    United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) promotes a life of inclusion and provides resources for individuals with cerebral palsy and other disabilities, their families and communities.

    The UCP website has resources on topics including assistive technology, housing and home modification, travel and transportation, education, caregiving and more. You can also find UCP affiliates in the state of Illinois.

  • Healthy Children is the official parenting website of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

    The site provides the latest information to help support the optimal physical, mental and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents and young adults

  • CaringBridge

    CaringBridge is a no-cost, nonprofit health platform that surrounds family caregivers with support while they are caring for a loved one on a health journey.

    CaringBridge offers tools to:

    • Share and document a health journey
    • Simplify care coordination
    • Connect caregivers with a supportive community
  • Illinois Guide By Your Side

    Illinois Hands & Voices Guide By Your Side (GBYS) is a free program providing unbiased information, one-on-one support and resources and trained Parent Guides to talk and/or meet with you if you have a child with hearing loss or a suspected hearing loss.

    Parent Guides are adults who have children with a hearing loss. They provide unbiased information and resources regarding communication, educational and technological choices. They help families identify their options and not tell them which options  to choose. They support families and can help them navigate through the many systems and services available in Illinois. They work as a team with professionals offering a well rounded care system for families.

  • Illinois Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Programsun-icon

    The Illinois Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (IL EHDI) Program works to ensure families of babies and children who are deaf or hard of hearing receive appropriate and timely services. These services include hearing screening, diagnosis, early intervention and parent-to-parent support, provided through coordinated systems of care.

    Families and providers can learn more about the EHDI program and find resources on the Illinois Sound Beginnings website.

  • Illinois Early Learning Project

    The Illinois Early Learning Project provides evidence-based, early care and education information for parents, caregivers and teachers of young children in the state of Illinois.

    The site provides a wide range of information on important topics involving early care and education, including:

  • Autism Speaks

    Autism Speaks is is dedicated to creating an inclusive world for all individuals with autism throughout their lifespan. Its website offers individuals with autism and their families information about autism, research and innovation, available resources and grants, advocacy and more. It includes:

    • Search features for finding information by topic, life stage, and the level of support needs (some support, moderate amount of support, intensive support) of the person with autism
    • A resource guide providing events, information and supports in your local community
    • Resources created specifically for self-advocates, parent/caregivers and professionals
    • A list of grants from national organizations offering support to families