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Champaign News

Delivering a Tricycle

February 21st, 2014

There’s fun and freedom that comes with riding your own bike. That’s the feeling that AMBUCS wanted to deliver to a local family. AMBUCS is a non-profit service organization dedicated to creating mobility and independence…

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CEFS Head Start Program

February 21st, 2014

Head Start programs prepare children for kindergarten. It’s a free, education program available to pregnant women and children ages 0-5, including those with significant or multiple special needs. Certified teachers plan hands-on lessons with developmentally…

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Penpals featured on Angels Among Us

February 6th, 2014

What do an 11 year old and a US Senator have in common? Both are stroke survivors. As part of his therapy, 11 year old Jackson was asked to write a letter. He chose to…

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