Free support, connection and guidance for your family's healing journey. After experiencing the death of someone close to us, we often feel lost, alone and...
Free, virtual educational and activity-based group for teens ages 12 and up who have a brother or sister with a disability or chronic condition Advocate...
A free opportunity for parents of children with autism and developmental differences to meet other parents, connect with services and attend workshops The Chicago Autism...
Free, in-person educational and activity-based group for children ages 6 to 11 who have a brother or sister with a disability or chronic condition Advocate...
Scholarship opportunity for individuals with inherited metabolic disorders who are pursuing post-secondary educational or vocational opportunities flok is accepting applications for the Guthrie-Koch Scholarship through...
Join siblings of people with disabilities for this virtual Midwest Sib Connection series and countdown to National Siblings Day! Supporting Illinois Brothers and Sisters (S.I.B.S.)...
A free webinar covering state guidelines and tips for developing an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Join the Resource...
Free virtual and in-person advanced beginner sign language classes for families with children who are Deaf and hard of hearing Moraine Valley Community College will...
A free in-person and virtual presentation on transition to adulthood considerations for parents of a child with disabilities The Will-Grundy Transition Planning Committee (Will-Grundy TPC)...