Sensory-friendly photo opportunities with the Easter Bunny for people of all ages with sensory sensitivities and disabilities Cherry Hill Programs and Autism Speaks will host...
Free webinar series explaining Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Programs for Illinois Join the University of Illinois Chicago's Division of Specialized Care for Children...
Learn about Illinois ABLE account features and benefits at this free webinar for self-advocates, families and caregivers Join The Arc of Illinois' Family-to-Family Health Information Center...
Join this free webinar to learn how Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts can help people with disabilities succeed at work and live independently...
Free webinar for parents and caregivers providing strategies for keeping kids safe online Lincoln Prairie Behavioral Health Center and the Illinois State Police (ISP) will...
Celebrate National Siblings Day with siblings of people with disabilities throughout the Midwest! Supporting Illinois Brothers and Sisters (S.I.B.S.) and sibling chapters from Illinois, Michigan,...
Free support, connection and guidance for your family's healing journey. After experiencing the death of someone close to us, we often feel lost, alone and...
A free webinar for Spanish-speaking parents, caregivers and professionals on using visual aids to promote social and emotional learning for children with autism and other...
Enjoy seeing a favorite story about dogs come to life on stage! Join the Chicago Children's Theatre for "Go Dog Go!/Ve Perroe ¡Ve!" Access Performances...