Low-Cost Internet Program Expands Eligibility

More low-income households, including those with people with disabilities, are now eligible for Comcast’s Internet Essentials program.
Comcast is expanding eligibility for its Internet Essentials program, giving more low-income households the opportunity to receive low-cost internet access.
Internet Essentials provides high-speed internet service for $9.95 a month, plus tax. Program participants also have the option to buy an internet-ready computer for less than $150 and access free digital literacy training.
Individuals who participate in Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and other government assistance programs are now eligible to apply for Internet Essentials. The full list of eligible programs is available at www.internetessentials.com.
Comcast estimates that more than three million additional low-income households, including those with people with disabilities, are now eligible to apply.
The program already accepts applications from households that:
- Have a student eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program
- Live in public housing or receive HUD Housing Assistance, including Section 8 vouchers
- Participate in the Veterans Pension Program
Low-income senior citizens and community college students in select pilot markets are also eligible.
For more information or to apply for the Internet Essentials program, visit www.internetessentials.com or call (855) 846-8376. Spanish-only speakers can also call (855) 765-6995.
Additional details are also available in the Internet Essentials press release.