Webinar – “Support Your Complex Child in Uncertain Times”
Learn strategies to become a calmer, more effective parent and help your children reach their full potential in these uncertain times.
Complex kids are challenging but they don’t have to be so hard to raise. You can have a peaceful home with less stress and get results for you and your child.
In this live, interactive webinar, “How to Support Your Complex Child in Uncertain Times,” you’ll get realistic strategies you can put into practice right away, including:
- Two secrets to a peaceful home with less stress
- How to respond rather than react
- The keys to unlocking resentment
- How to communicate to motivate yourself and your kids to success … and more
The webinar begins at 12 p.m. Aug. 27.
The program is for parents of complex children of any age.
Presenters are:
Cheryl Susman, ADHD & Productivity Coach and Educational Therapist
Yuzu Byrne, Professional Organizer and Coach
Both presenters are parents of complex children and licensed and certified Sanity School® trainers in Illinois.