Fall Family Camp for Youth With Serious Illnesses and Conditions at Flying Horse Farms in Ohio
A free fall family camp experience for children and young adults ages 7 to 21 with serious illnesses and conditions and their families
Flying Horse Farms (FHF) is a free medical specialty camp. The camp provides fun and transformative experiences for campers ages 7 to 21 with serious illnesses and their families. FHF offers a variety of family, overnight and sibling camps in spring, summer and fall.
Fall Family Camp sessions for children and youth with a variety of diagnoses and conditions and their families will run from Oct. 10 to Nov. 16.
FHF will host its third Fall Family Camp session from Oct. 31 to Nov. 2. Family camp check-in is on Friday from 5 to 5:45 p.m. Camp check-out is on Sunday at 11 a.m.
Campers come from throughout the country. Their illnesses and diagnoses include:
- Heart and lung conditions
- Blood disorders
- Lung conditions
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Craniofacial and spinal cord diagnoses
- Mental health conditions and more
There is no cost to attend camp sessions at Flying Horse Farms. The camp provides lodging and meals.
See the FHF camp flyer for a complete list of camp sessions and more details.
You can also read the FHF FAQs for more information.
Create a FHF online account to start the application process for any of the fall family camp sessions. The deadline for fall family camp applications is Aug. 11.
FHF considers applications throughout the camp season. Applications received after the priority deadline may be placed on the waitlist.
If transportation is a barrier for your child or family to attend, please contact campers@flyinghorsefarms.org or call (567) 200-4820 for information on resources that may be able to help.