Children’s Orthopedic Clinic in Rockford
Free clinic with Dr. Scott Ferry.
The Elks Organization has been working with physically challenged children since 1928. This clinic is one of the Elks’ 17 clinic locations throughout Illinois.
The Rockford clinic is scheduled for 2 to 4 p.m. on Jan. 23 at OrthoIllinois.
The clinic is by appointment only. Call (800) 272-0074 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. to make an appointment.
The clinic is an ideal time to have a child reviewed for bone and joint development. If your child is complaining of generalized joint pain such as knee, hip, ankle or back pain, or if you suspect a back curvature, your child can be seen at this clinic.
There is no charge for any diagnostic services at this clinic. The Elks will provide financial assistance to the best of their ability for children needing further treatment or specialty equipment when the family lacks sufficient resources to do so.
In the past, the Elks have purchased therapy services, corrective shoes, braces, wheelchairs and augmentative communication devices to help children overcome a variety of physical challenges.