Tell Us How Illinois Can Better Support Children With Medical Complexity

Federal funds are available to help enhance, expand and strengthen home and community-based supports for children with complex medical needs
We’re excited to announce a unique opportunity for you to share feedback to help Illinois improve its support and services for children and youth with complex medical needs.
In March, President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Under this act, Illinois can qualify for a temporary 10 percent increase in federal funding for home and community-based services (HCBS). This 10 percent increase is called the Federal Medical Assistance Percentage or FMAP.
Illinois must use the FMAP funds to enhance, expand or strengthen HCBS beyond what is available under the Medicaid program as of April 1, 2021.
HCBS includes the waiver for children who are medically fragile and technology-dependent (MFTD). Therefore, the FMAP can provide additional funds to help support children and youth in the Home Care Program and their caregivers.
Illinois must submit its ideas for how to use FMAP funds to the federal government by June 12.
We’ve put together a brief overview of the FMAP requirements. The video features Molly Hofmann, our Director of Care Coordination, Systems Development and Education, and Stephanie Leach, our Assistant Director of Operations for Home Care for our southern offices and our Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) Liaison.
Please watch their short presentation below –
We’d like to know what you think about the Division of Specialized Care for Children’s (DSCC) suggestions. What concerns do you have about them? What additional ideas do you have?
Please send your thoughts to with the subject of “FMAP Feedback” by June 6, 2021.
For more information about the available FMAP funds, you can review the public notice on the HFS website. The notice includes HFS’s suggested recommendations for improving HCBS services.
HFS also has a form to collect feedback from families, caregivers and other stakeholders. You can download the HFS feedback form and email it to no later than June 4, 2021.
A note that DSCC’s and HFS’s ideas for improvement are simply suggestions at this time.