Autism Webinar Series

April 8th, 2019

Logos for UIC Institute on Disability and Human Development and The Autism Program of Illinois

Learn from experts in the field about assistive technology, post-transition, behavior planning and early detection and intervention.

The University of Illinois at Chicago’s Institute on Disability and Human Development and The Autism Program of Illinois (TAP) are kicking off a series of webinars in honor of Autism Awareness Month.

The webinars will discuss many aspects of autism, including interventions and strategies to improve quality of life and important information on the systems that affect individuals with autism spectrum disorder.

The webinars will feature experts from across the field. Continuing education units will also be available for all webinars.

To register, visit

Schedule details are available below by topic:

Assistive Technology Series

  • April 10, 1-2 p.m.
    “AT Tools for Independence – Electronic Aids to Daily Living”
  • April 29,  1-2 p.m.
    “AT Communication Tools and Strategies”
  • May 9,  1-2 p.m.
    “AT Tools and Resources for Latinx Families”
  • May 16, 1-1:30 p.m.
    “AT Creating Individualized Communication Profiles”
    (.5 continuing education units available only in conjunction with one other ATU webinar)


  • April 11,  1-2 p.m.
    “Accessing Adult Services in Illinois”
  • May 23, 1-2 p.m.
    “What Happens after High School? Transition to College for Autistic and Disabled Youth”
  • May 30, 1-2 p.m.
    “ABLE Accounts”

Behavior Planning

  • April 18,  2-3 p.m.
    “Understanding and Improving Behavior: A Sensible Approach”
  • June 20, 1-2 p.m.
    “ABA Basics: Recognizing Good and Bad Behavior Plans”

Early Detection and Intervention

  • June 13,  1-2 p.m.
    “Early Detection of Autism”
  • June 27,  1-2 p.m.
    “A Look at Alternative Interventions”

Questions? Please contact Susan Kahan at

Free Webinar Series on Transition

September 27th, 2017

“Next Steps to Adulthood: Planning for Transition” includes a free webinar series and in-person workshop.

The University of Illinois at Chicago Institute on Disability and Human Development (IDHD) Developmental Disability Family Clinics present “Next Steps to Adulthood: Planning for Transition,” a free webinar series and workshop. Families and professionals may register for all or select individual webinars to attend.


  • Healthcare Transition of Young Adults with Autism and other Developmental Disabilities to Adult Systems of Care
    : Wednesday, Oct. 4, 10 to 11 a.m.
    Presenter: Kruti Acharya, MD, UIC Department of Disability and Human Development
    Dr. Acharya will review the most recent data about healthcare transition for adolescents and young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities, describe standard of care for health care transition and highlight strategies to support the transition to adult-centered health care.
  • Understanding the Components of Transition Planning for Youth with Autism
    Date: Wednesday, Oct. 18, 10 to 11 a.m.
    Presenter: Meghan Burke, Ph.D., BCBA-D, UIUC Department of Special Education
    In this presentation, Dr. Burke will outline the components of transition planning for your child with autism. Specifically, she will discuss transition assessments and goals, student involvement and transition outcomes including post-secondary training and education, independent living and employment.
  • Employment Policy and Services for Transition-Aged Youth with Disability
    Date: Wednesday, Nov. 1, 10 to 11 a.m.
    Presenter: Kate Caldwell, PhD, UIC Department of Disability and Human Development
    This presentation will give an overview of current policy affecting transition-aged youth with disabilities in the workforce. It will also discuss trends in the field, as well as strategies and best practices in disability employment services and supports. Finally, it will provide resources for those wishing to learn more.
  • What Happens Next? Exploring the World of Adult Services
    Date: Thursday, Nov. 9, 10  to 11 a.m.
    Presenter: Kathy Carmody, MSW, Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities
    This presentation will discuss the community service system for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities in Illinois, including eligibility requirements, funding options, service models and strategies to promote maximum effectiveness and satisfaction with services.  Kathy brings over 30 years of experience in Illinois and an extensive background in helping families understand and navigate the adult I/DD community system.


  • Transition Perspectives
    Date: Friday, Dec. 8, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
    Location: First Floor Auditorium, 1640 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL 60608 (UIC’s Disability, Health and Social Policy Building)
    This in-person interactive workshop combines insights from all three webinars to discuss how transition planning impacts daily life, healthcare and employment opportunities. This is your opportunity to learn from three experts on transition best practices. Bring your questions!


Questions? Contact Susan Kahan  at or (312) 413-2652.

Continuing education credits are available with a $10 fee for professionals in the following disciplines: Advanced Practice Nurses, Registered Nurses, LPNs, Clinical Psychologists, Illinois Teachers Professional Development, LCSW, LSW, LPC, and LCPC, Licensed Dietitian Nutritionists (RD), Nursing Home Administrators, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professionals and Speech Language Pathologists.

Click here for more information.