Free Financial Literacy Workshops in Springfield

Adults and youth ages 14 and older can learn from area banking professionals.
Managing money is an important skill to help us reach our goals and dreams.
The Sangamon County Department of Community Resources is hosting free financial literacy workshops every Wednesday of the month.
The workshops are for adults and youth ages 14 and older. They will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Public Health Community Services Building at 2833 South Grand Ave. East in Springfield.
Participants will learn ways to live within their means and manage debt so it doesn’t manage you.
You will also learn how to develop a spending plan that will help you reach your goals. Area banking professionals will also show you how to manage expenses if you have children and other tips on deductions you may be able to take on your taxes.
Registration is required. Call (217) 535-3120.