Former DSCC Employee Wins Lifetime Achievement Award

Ralph Schubert honored for 40 years helping Illinois children and families
Ralph Schubert has received the Title V Lifetime Achievement Award from the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Ralph is the former Associate Director for Title V Programs at the University of Illinois Chicago’s Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC). He retired in August 2020.
The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the field of maternal and child health over time.
“He’s been a tireless and lifelong advocate for children,” said Dr. Michael Warren, the Associate Administrator of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.
Ralph has 40 years of public health experience in various local, state and federal positions in Illinois.
“I never expected to be considered for this award let alone selected to receive it,” Ralph said. “I am deeply honored.”
Before joining DSCC, Ralph spent a combined 30 years at the Illinois Department of Public Health and Illinois Department of Human Services.
His leadership positions at these agencies included Manager of Maternal and Child Health Grants and Program Development Unit. Ralph also served as the acting Associate Director for Family Health and the Associate Director for Program Planning and Development, where he was responsible for developing and implementing a new community health and prevention program.
He later became the Director of Public Policy for the Illinois Public Health Association before joining DSCC in August 2016.
Ralph said a major highlight of his career was helping lead the Healthy Families Illinois initiative.
Healthy Families Illinois is a home visitation program to support new and expectant parents and improve children’s safety. He collaborated with a group of 75 advocates, service provides and others to design, implement and expand this program.
Ralph’s work with Healthy Families Illinois earned him the Friend of Children Award from Prevent Child Abuse Illinois and a Leadership Award from Voices for Illinois Children.
Ralph said he is grateful for the people he has worked with for supporting him and challenging him to be better throughout his career.
Now that he is retired, Ralph is pursuing his third master’s degree and plans to do mission work in Africa.
Congratulations, Ralph, and thank you for your service!