Free Child Care for Children with Autism or Developmental Delays

CST Academy and Chicago ABA Therapy are offering a monthly night out for parents to enjoy themselves.
CST Academy, a Chicago therapeutic preschool program, and Chicago ABA Therapy are sponsoring an initiative to provide free child care for children with autism or other developmental delays so their parents can enjoy a night out.
The program aims to offer parents a monthly, scheduled “date night” or “parent(s’) night out.” Children can be dropped off at the program’s play space, where team members watch, engage and entertain them while parents have time to themselves.
Their team is a group of therapists and aspiring therapists with extensive expertise in speech and language development, occupational therapy, feeding therapy and ABA therapy.
The program is free to parents. A small donation to offset their costs would be appreciated but is not required.
Interested parents should click here to request more information.