Staff Visit Craniofacial Center

Chicago area staff visited one of the oldest and largest craniofacial facilities in the world.
Our staff helps many children who were referred to us from the UIC Craniofacial Center. We toured the Center to see firsthand how their team approach helps children with craniofacial conditions.
When we arrived at the Center, staff heard presentations from Dr. Mimis Cohen, Dr. Pravin Patel, and Dr. David Reisburg. The doctors explained the multidisciplinary approach their team takes to treating patients. Many of these conditions require expertise from several specialists. The Center makes it easier by bringing everything together in place. Patients have access to services such as craniofacial surgery, prosthetics, orthodontics, neurosurgery, ophthalmologoy, speech pathology, psychology, and more.
Dr. Cohen hosted staff on a tour around the facility to see some of the Center’s experts in action. Team members explained what they do and how their work contributes to a better patient experience. We even learned about the 3D camera that’s used to create prostheses and adapt them to the child’s face. This innovative technology also reduces the amount of time the family has to spend at the clinic.
It was great for staff to meet and talk with some of the experts helping the children and families we both serve.
Pictured above is Robert Brown, Board Certified Occularist, and Kylie Bergam explaining what they do in the eye prosthetic lab.