Research Study Seeks Families to Help Improve Home Health Care for Children

“SafeCare@Home4Kids” aims to understand and prevent safety issues at home for children with medical complexity
A research study is looking for families to help improve home health care for children with complex medical needs.
The study is called “The SafeCare@Home4Kids Learning Lab: Designing Safer Healthcare at Home for Children.” It wants to learn from parents of children with medical complexity about what it is like to care for your children at home, including giving your children complex medication and using your children’s devices. The study aims to find ways to help prevent safety problems with this complex caregiving at home.
Dr. Carolyn Foster of Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago is leading the research team. Foster is also a member of the Division of Specialized Care for Children’s (DSCC) Medical Advisory Board.
By sharing your experiences, you can help “SafeCare@Home4Kids” find ways to better support and help parents while reducing problems and challenges at home.
What does the study involve?
Participation in the study will take about one week. For seven days, you will send photos or text-based messages about your experience with your child’s medication-related activities and devices at home. Please note, if you do not have a device, the study researchers will loan you one.
After the week is over, you will meet with research team members to talk about your messages. You will also participate in a “critical decision methods” interview about how you:
- Identify problems with your child’s medication or device
- Communicate the problem
- How you have problem-solved these issues in the past
The research team will keep your answers confidential. If you complete all study steps, you can receive up to $195 by virtual gift card.
How do I participate?
You can enroll in the “SafeCare@Home4Kids” study if you:
- Speak English or Spanish
- Have a child who is 17 years old or younger with a disabling complex chronic condition who uses an implanted medical device to receive medication at home (such as a gastrostomy tube)
Please email or call (312) 227-2510 to enroll or ask questions.
For more details about the “SafeCare@Home4Kids” study and DSCC’s involvement, please visit
You can also see the study flyer for more information.