Resource Directory /

St. Clair Resources

  • Illinois WIC

    WIC has services to support families during the COVID-19 outbreak.

  • Illinois Early Intervention Live Video Visits

    Families will now be able to receive services through video for their infants or toddlers with disabilities or delays. Early Intervention services include help with movement, learning, interacting, behavior, and self-help skills.

  • Xfinity Wi-Fi

    Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots in out-of-home locations are available for free to anyone who needs them, including non-Xfinity Internet customers, to keep communities connected with their friends and family during the pandemic. 

    Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots located both indoors and outdoors in places like shopping districts, parks, businesses and train stations are open. Hotspots located in customers’ homes are not opened to the public.

  • Flip the Switch

    Many parents are finding themselves faced with securing alternate means of childcare as school districts across the country close temporarily. Many of these parents will balance the need to work with the need to find a safe place for their children. Flip the Switch – Available at no cost through our partnership with Aly Raisman, any adult can complete Stewards of Children® online at no cost by using the code FLIPTHESWITCH