St. Clair Resources
The Summer Meals Program and Illinois No Kid Hungry collaborate with national and state partner organizations to provide free meals during the summer for children and youth who depend on school lunches during the school year. Meals are available at locations throughout Illinois for children and youth ages 18 and under.
To find a meal site near you:
- Visit Summer Meals Find Food Map or No Kid Hungry’s Free Meals Finder
- Call (800) 359-2163
- Text “Food” or “Comida” to 304-304
There is no application to receive a meal and you do not have to show proof of income.
The Arc’s Talk About Sexual Violence project provides materials and practical tools to help health care professionals, people with disabilities, and their families and supporters learn about the depth of the problem, support victims and work to prevent it.
Talk About Sexual Violence seeks to empower survivors with disabilities in the reporting process and give health care professionals the tools to more effectively identify victims, connect them to appropriate services, help build their self-advocacy skills and better prevent sexual violence.
In addition to the “Starting the Conversation Toolkit for Self-Advocates,” put together by Self-Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center (SARTAC), resources include short training videos for healthcare professionals, tools to help guide conversations and more.
Swift Outdoor Accessible Recreation (S.O.A.R.) Foundation
The Swift Outdoor Accessible Recreation (S.O.A.R.) Foundation provides an individual adaptive equipment grant for spinal cord injury survivors with paraplegia and quadriplegia.
The grant is open to individuals of all ages and covers specific modifications or equipment needs that will help get you outdoors. Eligible items include:
- Wheelchair outdoor tires and attachments
- Vehicle modifications (i.e., hand controls or lifts)
- Exercise (FES Bike, Standing Frame) or recreational equipment
- Small home modifications (including a ramp)
Applicants must reside in the United States. They also must demonstrate financial need and may be required to provide documentation.
Helping Children and Adolescents Cope With Traumatic Events
Every year, children and adolescents experience disasters and other traumatic events. Family, friends and trusted adults play an essential role in helping youth cope with these experiences.
The National Institute of Mental health has numerous resources to help children and adolescents cope with traumatic events.
Resources to Help Children After a School Shooting
The National Research Center on Hispanic Children & Families provides a list of resources to help parents, caregivers and educators support children and youth after a school shooting.
Resources are available in both English and Spanish.
Tips for Teens on Talking With Your Parents or Guardians About Vaccines
Talking with family members about vaccines and healthcare choices can be stressful and scary, especially for teens. The Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (ICAAP) has created a “Tips for Teens – Talking with Your Parents or Guardians About Vaccines” handout in English and Spanish to help teens navigate those tricky conversations.
Immunization Resources for Families
The Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics provides a wide range of immunization resources for families to help you make the best, most informed decisions for their health. You can find information in English and Spanish on:
- Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine
- Translation and vaccine support
- COVID-19, flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines
- Helping your child through vaccinations
- Vaccine immunization schedules and information
- Resources for teens and more
Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
The Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator is a confidential and anonymous source of information for persons seeking treatment facilities in the United States or U.S. territories for substance use/addiction and/or mental health problems.
The services locator is available through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
The “Be Ready: Tips for Families of Children and Youth With Special Healthcare Needs (CYSHCN)” toolkit provides videos and infographics in American Sign Language (ASL) and a variety of languages to help families prepare for power outages, floods or other natural disasters that may occur.
The toolkit is available through the Emergency Medical Services for Children Innovation & Improvement Center (EIIC).
Click here for the ASL version.
Caregiver Stress and Burnout Information
The demands of caregiving can be exhausting and overwhelming. HelpGuide has helpful information and steps you can take to rein in stress and regain a sense of balance, joy and hope in your life.
Information includes the signs and symptoms of caregiver stress and burnout and how to take care of your own health.