Springfield Resources
The American Heart Association’s Support Network, in partnership with The Children’s Heart Foundation, provides a Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) Support Network for parents of young children diagnosed with CHDs or adults living with a CHD.
Illinois Elks Children’s Care Corporation
The Illinois Elks Children’s Care Corporation (IECCC) assists any child under the age of 21 who is a legal resident of Illinois with medical assistance, as long as it falls within the IECCC scope and guidelines.
Assistance can include custom-designed braces, wheelchairs, treatment programs, corrective shoes, physical/occupational therapy services and more.
IECCC provides several competitive scholarship programs. No current or past affiliation with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is required. Areas of study include physical or occupational therapy, special education and speech-language pathology. Scholarship application packets must be returned by March.
Explore all IECC scholarship requirements online or visit your local Elks Lodge for more information.
ILHousingSearch.org is a free bilingual online resource for renters and property providers in Illinois.
You can search for affordable, accessible and market-rate housing to fit your needs and budget.
For additional assistance, call (877) 428-8844 (toll-free) Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Dial 7-1-1 for TTY.
Illinois Housing Development Authority
The Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) connects people with financing programs for their homes.
IHDA provides mortgage loans, grants that enable low-income homeowners to pay for repairs and improvements to their homes and free foreclosure prevention assistance for homeowners struggling with mortgage payments.
IHDA also provides resources to help people across the state find apartments that fit their budgets.
Autism Support of Central Illinois
Autism Support of Central Illinois aims to improve the lives of those affected by autism in central Illinois by providing access to resources, support, educational opportunities and recreational/social activities for families.
Conquering CHD Transition Checklist
Conquering CHD has put together a Conquering CHD Transition Checklist to help youth with congenital heart disease manage their own care as they reach adulthood and move from their pediatric doctor to an Adult Congenital Heart Disease doctor.
COVID-19 Vaccine Information in Plain Language
The Self Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center (SARTAC) provides this handout on the COVID-19 vaccine in plain language.
Illinois Helpline for Opioids and Other Substances (24/7)
If you or someone you know is suffering from an opioid use disorder or other substance use disorders, call the Illinois Helpline for Opioids and Other Substances at 833-2FINDHELP to speak with a trained professional for support and advice or to be directed to customized resources. You can also visit www.HelplineIL.org.
Virtual Care Package for Caregivers
The Illinois Respite Coalition put together this Virtual Care Package with free virtual resources to help caregivers take time for themselves.
It includes links to podcasts, playlists, exercises and other tips for caregivers.
The Association of Blind Citizens operates the Assistive Technology Fund. The fund will provide funds to cover 50 percent of the retail price of adaptive devices or software. The ABC board of directors believes that this program will allow blind and visually impaired individuals access to technology products that will have a significant impact on improving employment opportunities, increase the level of independence and enhance their overall quality of life.