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Springfield Resources

  • eHomeCare Online Course on Caring for Children With Trachs

    The eHomeCare program is a free online training program that aims to provide comprehensive information for those caring for children with a tracheostomy (trach) with/without a ventilator. The training is for:

    • Nurses working in home-based environments
    • Physicians
    • Respiratory therapists
    • Family members and caregivers of children with trachs with and without ventilators

    The course is available until Sept. 30, 2026. Learners can use this course for initial training, an annual review or as an ongoing resource.

  • “Youth and Funerals” Resources for Helping Children and Youth Grieve, Remember and Memorialize Loved Ones

    The Funeral Service Foundation’s “Youth and Funerals” page provides free ebooks, printed booklets and webinars to help families discuss death and funerals with youth. The information can help families understand the role funerals play in the lives of children and youth, and how including youth in remembering loved ones can be healing and empowering.

    Materials in English and Spanish include:

    • Age-appropriate language and advice on discussing death and funerals with youth
    • Suggestions for preparing and involving youth in remembering or memorializing a loved one
  • Pediatric Tracheostomy Tube Emergency Management Video

    In this video, nurses from Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago describe and demonstrate emergency management for pediatric patients with tracheostomy (trach) tubes. The video covers:

    • Prevention and assessment of emergency situations
    • How to manage a mucous plug
    • How to replace a trach tube that has become dislodged
    • What to do if the trach tube is difficult to replace
    • When to provide manual ventilation using bag to trach tube, bag and mask to mouth, and mouth to mouth
  • Sibling Grief and Bereavement Toolkit for Children and Teens

    The Pediatric Palliative Care Coalition’s (PPCC) Sibling Grief and Bereavement Toolkit aims to address the needs and concerns of children and teens who have experienced the death of their sibling with medical complexities. The toolkit provides information to help adults understand how children and teens may process their grief and how to provide comfort to help them heal.

    The toolkit can help with:

    • The many feelings siblings might experience
    • Therapeutic activities families can do together
    • More resources for encouraging and guiding conversations
  • Timber Pointe Outdoor Center in Hudson

    Timber Pointe Outdoor Center offers specialized lodging, staff and programming modified to accommodate kids and adults of all abilities. The center provides year-round opportunities for individuals with disabilities and illnesses to experience a fun, safe and accessible environment with family and friends.

    Owned and operated by Easterseals Central Illinois, Timber Pointe Outdoor Center programs include:

    • Day and overnight summer camps
    • Partner group camps
    • Weekend family retreats
    • Facility rentals
  • DSCC’s IMPACT Guide for Participants and Families

    The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) has created an IMPACT Guide for Participants and Families. The guide provides helpful information for our participants and families using the Illinois Medicaid Program Advanced Cloud Technology (IMPACT) system. It includes:

    • Contacts for assistance
    • A list of helpful terms
    • Information on All Kids/Medicaid transportation benefits
    • How to enroll in IMPACT (as a Private Transportation Provider)
    • Information on pre-approval and submitting a claim

    For more information, visit the IMPACT Information and Resources page on our website.

  • Illinois Disability Benefits 101

    Illinois Disability Benefits 101 is a free, user-friendly, Illinois-specific website that helps work through the myths and confusion of Social Security benefits, health care, employment and more. It is a one-stop shop for information, resources, and tools to motivate and support employment and community inclusion for individuals with disabilities, their families and professionals.

  • Warm Neighbors, Cool Friends Energy Assistance Foundation Program

    Warm Neighbors Cool Friends (WNCF) Energy Assistance Foundation provides year-round help with energy bills and making homes more energy efficient for income-qualified families.  The program helps low-to-moderate-income individuals and families who don’t qualify for federal assistance.  Visit the WNCF website to learn about:

    • Income and eligibility guidelines
    • Program coverage areas
    • Help for weatherizing your home
    • Energy bill payment programs