Resource Directory /

Peoria Resources

  • Goodwill Career Center

    The Goodwill Career Center offers free, one-on-one guidance to help you gain employment and reach your career goals. In-person and online resources are available to learn about training programs, how to fill out job applications, prep for interviews or get trained in new skills. Services may vary by location.

    Find a Goodwill Career Center near you using their locator tool.

  • Family Voices “My Language, My Care” Language Access Rights and Services Course

    Family Voices’ “My Language, My Care” is a free online, plain language course to help increase awareness, understanding and use of language access rights and services for families whose preferred language is not English. The course is available in English, Spanish, Chinese and American Sign Language.

    Family Voices’ My Language, My Care course will provide:

    • An understanding of their rights under the law
    • Information about interpreter confidentiality
    • Tools to advocate for high-quality language access services in the healthcare setting
    • A certificate of completion after finishing all six modules of the training course
    • Access to a free toolkit with information from the course in English, Spanish and Chinese
  • Social Security Disability Evaluation Process for Sickle Cell Disease Toolkits for Adults, Children and Health Professionals

    The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers toolkits for people with sickle cell disease and professionals navigating the disability application and evaluation process. The toolkits provide detailed information, examples of the types of medical evidence required for individuals with sickle cell disease, and tips to help with the disability application and evaluation process:

  • Least Restrictive Environment Inclusion Toolkit for Families of Young Children With Disabilities

    Early CHOICES’ Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Inclusion Toolkit aims to help families of children with disabilities navigate the early childhood system to ensure their child is included in the LRE. Whether you’re just beginning your journey or looking for specific support, this toolkit will empower you to champion inclusion for your child.

    The LRE Inclusion Toolkit includes:

    • Evidence for the benefits of inclusion
    • Federal guidance for inclusion
    • Resources with links and guidance to help you understand and use the tools effectively
    • Bolded keywords throughout the document that you can easily find in the “Glossary” at the end of the toolkit
    • QR codes for each of the embedded links
  • EngineerGirl

    EngineerGirl focuses on diversity of thought and the many opportunities engineering represents for girls and women. The EngineerGirl website includes inspiration, information about women engineers and their achievements, “Try This” design challenges, a writing contest, summer study programs for high school students and more. EngineerGirl offers girls interested in problem-solving and engineering.

    Visit its website for information about engineering scholarships and the EngineeringGirl annual writing contest.

  • Bridgeway

    Bridgeway provides a wide range of programs for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities in west-central and northern Illinois. Bridgeway offers a variety of person-centered programs that focus on greater choice, achieving independence and community participation. Bridgeway programs include:

    • Day services
    • Adult learning services
    • School-based counseling
    • Community living and supports
    • Employment programs
    • Substance use assessments and programs for youth and adults
  • United Spinal Association

    The United Spinal Association empowers and advocates for wheelchair users and people with spinal cord injuries and disorders (SCI/D) nationwide. The organization provides local chapters, disability resources, peer support, a manual wheelchair guide and app, a health equity checklist and toolkit and more. Its resources include: