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Mokena Resources

  • DSCC’s Insurance for Children Tip Sheet

    It’s important to understand how your insurance works. This tip sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) covers what to know about your child’s insurance coverage.

    Insurance for Children tip sheet in English

    Insurance for Children tip sheet in Spanish (coming soon)

  • DSCC’s Knowing Your Health Care Needs Tip Sheet

    Learning about your health can help you stay healthy and speak up for yourself to get your needs met. This tip sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) can help transition-age youth prepare for becoming responsible for their health care and becoming more independent. It includes information on how to make a plan and helpful resources.

    “Knowing Your Health Care Needs” in English

    “Knowing Your Health Care Needs” in Spanish

  • DSCC’s Making Your Own Appointments Tip Sheet

    Making a doctor’s appointment and preparing for the visit is important to maintaining your health. This tip sheet from the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) can help transition-age youth with scheduling and tracking appointments, preparing for visits and asking questions or talking about their medication, therapy, or equipment needs.

    “Making Your Own Appointments Tip Sheet” in English

    “Making Your Own Appointments Tip Sheet” in Spanish

  • DSCC’s Money Management Skills Tip Sheet

    As you begin to transition to adulthood, you can begin to manage (or co-manage) your money. The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this Money Management Skills Tip Sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs learn about managing money, budgeting and setting up credit as they transition to adulthood.

    Money Management Skills tip sheet in English

    Money Management Skills tip sheet in Spanish

  • DSCC’s Point of Entry to Services in Illinois for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities (PUNS) Tip Sheet

    The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare needs and their families learn about registering for PUNS. PUNS stands for Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services. It is the point of entry to services in Illinois for individuals with developmental disabilities.

    The Illinois Department of Human Services’ Division of Developmental Disabilities uses the PUNS database to identify who needs services and what services they need.

    Children, teens and adults with developmental disabilities who need or want services or supports can enroll in PUNS.

    Point of Entry to Services in Illinois for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities (PUNS) tip sheet in English

    Point of Entry to Services in Illinois for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities (PUNS) tip sheet in Spanish