Mokena Resources
Food Pantries – Chicago South Suburbs
A list of food pantries and hours of operation in the Chicago south suburbs.
COVID-19 Preparedness Tool for Families and Caregivers
The Stanford Health Literacy Lab in collaboration with families and providers developed the COVID-19 Preparedness Tool for Families and Caregivers to help families of children with special healthcare needs with rpreparing for and responding to COVID-19 in a variety of settings.
The user-friendly tool, also available in Spanish, provides tips for home, healthcare settings, schools and work. It also offers advice for coping with family stress.
Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Payments
The passage of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act authorized the creation of stimulus checks for individuals and families under certain income thresholds. Most Illinoisans are eligible for these stimulus checks, though many did not receive them, leaving millions of dollars unclaimed.
Get My Payment IL Coalition is available to answer any and all stimulus payment questions. It provides a step-by-step process to follow in order to receive a stimulus check.
Community Housing Advocacy & Development (CHAD)
Community Housing Advocacy & Development (CHAD) is a nonprofit corporation that provides quality, affordable, long-term rental housing to income-qualifying, hardworking individuals and families who struggle to support themselves.
CHAD owns, leases and manages over 500 units in 175 properties in 30 west suburban communities that represent a range of affordable housing opportunities including single-family homes, duplexes, apartments and townhomes and provides professional property management services to over 1,100 residents. CHAD offers below-market rents to income-qualified applicants.
SNAP Online Purchasing Program
The Illinois Department of Human Services is offering online purchasing for more than 1.8 million Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) customers across a million households.
Online SNAP will give families easier access to food during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. Busy parents will no longer have to stress about how they can pick their kids up from school and make it to the grocery store before dinner. And those working multiple jobs or the late shift won’t have to rush to make it before the store closes. All families will have another option to independently secure the food they need.
PTSD During a Pandemic for Parents with Medically Fragile Children
It’s not uncommon for parents and caregivers of children with neurologic conditions to experience PTSD.
In this video from the Child Neurology Foundation, a caregiver and a psychologist discuss the impact that this has – especially during times of isolation and stress like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. is an online resource to help you find federal benefits you may be eligible for in the United States. The Benefit Finder questionnaire can help you find benefits you may be eligible to receive – such as healthcare and medical assistance, financial assistance, loans and disaster relief – and direct you to the agency to apply.
The ADA National Network provides information, guidance and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The ADA National Network Disability Law Handbook
This handbook is meant to provide basic information about disability rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as well as resources for finding out more.
The Arc’s Disability Voter Guide
The Arc has developed voting resources in plain language and Spanish, including a disability voter guide and sample questions for candidates.