Mokena Resources
Disaster Preparedness for Children and Youth with Special Healthcare Needs
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) provides information on how families of children with special healthcare needs can prepare for potential emergencies and disasters in their area and identify what each child would need to safely prepare for and cope with the disaster.
The COVID-19 Virtual Care Program helps people with COVID-19 symptoms recover safely at home. It offers medical education, symptom checking and 24/7 support virtually via a mobile app or website for a period of 14 days. Eligible participants may also receive a free home medical kit that may include a thermometer, blood pressure machine, pulse oximeter and masks.
This program is open to all Illinois residents over the age of 12 months who have known exposure to COVID-19 or who have COVID-like symptoms.
If you’re an Illinois resident, call (866) 443-2584 to enroll. A frequently-asked questions handout about the program provides more details.
Adult Protective Services Program
The Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) manages the statewide Adult Protective Services Program, which serves adults 60 years of age and older and adults aged 18-59 with disabilities. The program handles reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation.
For more information on the signs and types of abuse and how to make a report, visit You can also call the statewide 24-hour Abuse Hotline at (866) 800-1409.
COVID-19 Housing Resources Information
The Illinois Housing Development Authority continues to provide support and assistance programs for Illinois homeowners and renters. Its COVID-19 Housing Resources Information website provides the latest information.
Back to School Toolkit 2023 from Mental Health America
Mental Health America’s Back-to-School Toolkit provides educational information and tips on tackling some of the most common online stressors for youth. Titled “Selfies, Social & Screens: Navigating Virtual Spaced for Youth,” the toolkit includes fact sheets for youth and adults, and a guide to national and local resources.
Teachers and Parents: Working Together to Make Distance Learning Work
This fact sheet from Mental Health America provides tips to help parents and teachers work together to make sure kids and teens are learning and to monitor their mental health.
Community Resources Compilation from the Illinois Housing Development Authority
The Illinois Housing Development Authority provides this list of community partners to help Illinois residents find food pantries, utility assistance, rental assistance, emergency housing, mortgage assistance, veterans assistance and more.
The official site of the Hearing Improvement Kids Endowment Fund, Inc. (HIKE). The purpose of the fund is to provide hearing devices for children with hearing losses between the ages of newborn and 20 years whose parents are unable to meet this special need financially.
Children are eligible to receive a grant providing the need is verified by a prescription from an audiologist or physician.
National Center for Learning Disabilities
The National Center for Learning Disabilities provides resources for parents and caregivers, educators, young adults and learning disability champions.
Learning Disabilities Association of America
The Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA) provides tools, resources, and community. LDA’s mission is to create opportunities for success for all individuals affected by learning disabilities through support, education, and advocacy.