Resource Directory /

Marion Resources

  • Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse

    The Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse is a lending library and information resource for families and professionals interested in or involved with the Illinois Early Intervention (EI) Program. It also provides support groups in English and Spanish for families involved in the Illinois early intervention program on Facebook.

    The Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse offers:

  • Illinois Life Span Program

    The Illinois Life Span (ILS) Program is a program of The Arc of Illinois that provides statewide resources and information, focused on developmental disability services and supports.

    Its website includes a resource locator that can help you find resources in your county and statewide.

    You can call ILS at (800) 588-7002.

  • Hands & Voicessun-icon

    Hands & Voices is a non-profit, parent-driven organization dedicated to supporting families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. They are non-biased about communication methodologies and believe that families can make the best choices for their children if they have access to good information and support.