Resource Directory /

Marion Resources

  • Help Illinois Families Emergency Relief Initiative

    Help Illinois Families expands on the existing Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Community Services Block Program (CSBG). New eligibility thresholds make Help Illinois Families available to more individuals and families. If you meet the income requirements and submit your application, you may be eligible for emergency assistance to cover the costs of utility bills, rent, temporary shelter, food and other household necessities.

    LIHEAP helps eligible low-income households pay for home energy services. This includes assistance with heating, gas, propane and electricity. The last day to apply online with the Request for Services form is April 15. After that date, you can still apply through your local administering agency through May 31 2022.

    CSBG offers Illinoisans an opportunity to receive support for an array of essential services including rent assistance, food, temporary shelter, medicine and more. CSBG applications are avaialble year-round.

    This initiative remains available for all qualifying households with low income, regardless of how they may be affected by COVID-19. Eligible families may qualify for hundreds of dollars of support.

  • HFS Coronavirus Updates

    Updates and information from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Families Services regarding COVID-19.

  • Stay at Home Order – FAQ for Families

    The Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development has developed a frequently-asked-questions document for families that features updates on the status of child care programs, public and private schools and other essential information to support families –

  • COVID-19 Assistance for Southern Illinois Shawnee Health Service

    COVID-19 Assistance for Southern Illinois Shawnee Health Service received a $250,000 grant from the Illinois COVID-19 Response Fund to serve the state’s most vulnerable residents. Shawnee Health Service is focused on deploying resources to Jackson, Williamson, and Union Counties. Assistance may be available to residents of other counties.

    There are no restrictions on age or insurance coverage status. Anyone may request assistance, regardless of whether or not he or she is a patient or client of Shawnee Health Service. Grant funds will be used to assist southern Illinoisans with:

    • Food and basic needs
    • Temporary housing, rent, utilities, or mortgage
    • Utility and financial assistance
    • Out-of-pocket medical costs

    If you would like to request assistance for yourself or on behalf of another person, please call Shawnee Health Service at (618) 519-9200.

  • Illinois Life Span’s COVID-19 Resources

    Resources for Illinois residents with developmental disabilities. The topics include general COVID-19 information, Illinois Department of Human Services Developmental Disabilities Services and Supports information and webinar recordings on COVID-19 issues and services.