Lombard Resources
Developmental Disability Services
The Illinois Department of Human Services has information about how to apply for developmental disability services.
Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities
The Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities (CDD) helps lead change in Illinois so all people with developmental disabilities exercise their right to equal opportunity and freedom.
ICDD provides information, investments and initiatives to ensure that people with developmental disabilities and their families have a part in the design of and access to culturally competent services, supports and other assistance and opportunities that promote independence, productivity and integration and inclusion into the community.
The HealthWell Foundation aims to reduce financial barriers to care for underinsured patients with chronic or life-altering diseases. It provides financial assistance to eligible individuals to cover copays, health care premiums, deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses.
DuPage County Transition Planning Committee
The Illinois Respite Coalition (IRC) is a not-for-profit organization of caregivers and respite providers dedicated to supporting families and ensuring access to quality respite services for the residents of Illinois. The IRC assists caregivers by connecting them to resources in their area, providing training on respite topics and having funding available for emergency respite. The IRC helps caregivers of individuals across the lifespan with any disability.
The Emergency Respite Care Program offers funding and resources to support caregivers who are not receiving any respite services and have an urgent need for respite care in the absence of any other funding source. Emergency respite care may be for an unplanned or planned event for reasons including:
- Caregiver illness (physical, mental or emotional)
- Caregiver hospitalization
- Work-related situation
- Reduction of stress level
The website gives examples of qualifying circumstances and information on how to apply. See the emergency care flyer for more details. (The flyer is also available in Spanish.)
For more information, contact:
- The Illinois Respite Coalition at (866) ILL-RESP (455-7377), ext. 101, or email irc.programassistant@gmail.com.
- Spanish-speaking callers may call (866) 866-ILL-RESP (455-7377), ext. 103, or email cnava@illinoisrespitecoalition.org
Offers three-year post-secondary educational programs for students with intellectual disabilities. Programs include general education for independence, culinary arts, and horticulture.
1805 15th Avenue
Union Grove, WI 53182-1597
(262) 878-5620
Elmhurst Learning and Success Academy (ELSA)
This four-year program offers a full-time, post-secondary educational experience to young adults with developmental disabilities. Ages 18-28 high school graduates with disabilities can earn certificates in academics, independent living skills and social/recreational skills.
190 Prospect Avenue
Elmhurst, IL 60126-3296
(630) 617-3752
The Center for Enriched Living
Offers exciting social enrichment and educational programs for people of all ages and with varying levels of ability.
280 Saunders Road
Riverwoods, IL 60015
(847) 948-7001
Tracheostomy.com (Aaron’s Tracheostomy Page) is an independent, family-run website that provides information about home care for children with tracheostomies (trachs) as well as parent-to-parent networking and support.
DSCC’s Solving Problems and Making Your Own Decisions Tip Sheet
The Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) created this tip sheet to help youth with special healthcare and their families/caregivers build important problem-solving and decision-making skills. This tip sheet includes suggestions, steps and resources for developing the skills you need to be more independent and responsible as an adult.
Solving Problems and Making Your Own Decisions tip sheet in English
Solving Problems and Making Your Own Decisions tip sheet in Spanish