Resource Directory /

Chicago Resources

  • Wellness Visits and Routine Vaccinations During COVID-19

    The Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (ICAAP) encourages families to maintain routine pediatric appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic and reach out to pediatricians for questions and support during this difficult time. In-person, routine well-child visits are still recommended for all children at this time, especially children under two who need to maintain their vaccination schedules.

    ICAAP provides this helpful infographic on well-visits and immunization for families.

  • Project Mobility

    Project Mobility is a nonprofit organization that offers recreational events using specialized bicycles for people with disabilities. Its professional staff works with families, rehabilitative professionals and organizations to promote better health, independence, and most of all the freedom of mobility for people with physical disabilities.

    Project Mobility also does an Adaptive Bike Giveaway.

  • Preparations for Caregivers During COVID-19 and Beyond

    Parents and caregivers of children with medical complexity often focus solely on their child’s health and wellbeing. But what happens when the parent/caregiver gets sick?

    It’s a crucial question that families must consider. Advance preparations can help parents/caregivers reduce stress, lighten their mental load and protect the child’s health and safety during a family illness and other emergencies.

    Pediatric doctors from Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago provide advice on how to start these conversations with your pediatrician during the pandemic and beyond.

  • Guidance for Return to School for Transplant Families

    Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago provides this guidance to help parents decide if their transplanted child or their siblings should return to school during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes recommendations on minimum requirements to prevent infection and how to assess your child and family’s risk.

  • Parent Guide to Special Education

    Educational Rights and Responsibilities: Understanding Special Education in Illinois” is a guide for parents, teachers, administrators and others to learn about the educational rights of children who receive special education and related services due to disabilities that affect their ability to achieve academically.

    Special education laws and procedures are complicated and can be difficult to understand. This guide from the Illinois State Board of Education will clarify some of the procedures of special education. It contains information about many of the most common topics related to the broad special education landscape, from identification and evaluation to transition planning and complaint procedures

  • COVID-19 Travel Map

    The Illinois Department of Public Health provides coronavirus disease (COVID-19) travel recommendations and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help inform residents of potential risks associated with traveling during the pandemic.

    The information indicates countries and U.S. states with increased risk of COVID-19 based on case rates.