Chicago Home Care Resources
Family Voices Coronavirus Information and Resources
Family Voices has put together COVID-19-related resources that are relevant to families of children and youth with special healthcare needs.
The resources page includes information on the virus itself, housing resources, resources for parents and caregivers, information regarding children and youth adults with complex medical conditions, mental health resources and information in multiple languages.
Family Caregiver COVID-19 Articles and Resources
The Family Caregiver Alliance provides links to coronavirus-related resources and articles that will be of interest to caregivers and those in their care.
COVID-19 SERIES, Part 1: Put On Your Own Oxygen Mask First
This Family Voices Resources eBlast shares resources for self-care and asks us to consider what happens if we get sick, with related types of emergency planning to consider in order to be prepared.
Are You Ready? Preparing for Emergencies: Tips for Families
Information from Family Voices on how families of children with special healthcare needs can prepare for emergencies.
Teaching kids hand washing during COVID-19
Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Important Information about Social Security Services
Information from the Social Security Administration
COVID-19 resources for families and individuals in Illinois.
Information from the Shriner Center on Poverty Law
National Domestic Violence Hotline – Staying Safe During COVID-19
Information on how COVID-19 could uniquely impact intimate partner violence survivors and safety tips for survivors.
WIC has services to support families during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Illinois Early Intervention Live Video Visits
Families will now be able to receive services through video for their infants or toddlers with disabilities or delays. Early Intervention services include help with movement, learning, interacting, behavior, and self-help skills.